When Helping Hurts CHILD LABOUR
CHILD LABOUR WORKER LINE Families on the right Recruiters on the left Children at the end… DEBRIEF: What were some of the realities facing these children before they “chose” their jobs? What would you do if you were in the children’s situation? Given the circumstances many of these children face, is working such a bad thing?
WHAT IS IT, REALLY? According to the International Labour Organization (ILO): 3D JOBS DIRTY DANGEROUS DEGRADING
CHILD LABOUR IN VIEW Estimates suggest that, around the world, 215 million children (under 18) work full-time Estimates are VERY conservative as many children are undocumented and/or perform jobs that are “invisible” The ILO estimates that 1.2 million children are being trafficked worldwide for labour and sexual exploitation Most child labourers live and work in developing countries, however child workers are found globally In India alone, it is estimated that more than 60 million children work for a living Most children work in the agricultural sector Few child labourers earn a wage, most are family workers or are enslaved Many children are trafficked illegally or sold into slavery Globally, the incidence of child labour is decreasing, but only modestly, and not in Sub Saharan Africa, where it is actually increasing Not a new issue – See the ILO TimelineTimeline Why? POVERTY POVERTY POVERTY POVERTY POVERTY POVERTY POVERTY POVERTY
IT TAKES A CHILD Watch the film and learn more about the 3D jobs that children perform around the world. Complete the first set of questions on the handout It Takes A Child while you watch the film
CONNECTION TO DEVELOPMENT Human rights violation! Convention on the Rights of a Child Reinforces the intergenerational cycle of poverty Keeps children from education and achieving full social, physical, and psychological development Undermines national economies and impedes development
WHAT’S BEING DONE? International Labour Organization (ILO) United Nations MDGs On the ground and taking action… NGOs are often the lead stakeholders that are working in the field to directly improve the conditions under which children labour and to help with their escape from enslavement Complete your section of the Google Doc “Child Labour – What is being done” to learn more about what IS working!