Welcome to the Friday’s with ADAD iLinc Webinar In preparation: 1.At the top of your screen, ensure the speaker icon is “on.” If it’s grey, click it to turn it “on.” 2.Check your computer’s volume to ensure it’s adequate. 3.Please do not ‘check-in’ by entering your name in the Chat feature in the bottom left corner of your screen. 4.Please know this webinar is not intended to be a dialog so few if any questions submitted via the Chat feature will be addressed today. 5.Additional questions: 07/13/20121
Recently Passed Legislation Gene Anderson, Jeff Hunsberger and Rick Moldenhauer Friday’s with ADAD July 13, /13/20122 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Today’s Topics 2012 Legislative session overview Review of passed legislation Residential eligibility Civil commitments Advisory councils’ continuance Plan for an integrated model of care LADC 07/13/20123 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
2012 Legislative Session Non-budget year ADAD focused on the continued implementation of the 2011 rate reform legislation and related policies Few legislation corrections needed 07/13/20124 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Residential Eligibility MN Matrix: Treatment Planning Decisions Technical correction to 2011 legislation [changed “and” to “or”] Chapter 216, Article 12, Section 7 254B.04, subd.2a Chapter 216, Article 12, Section 7254B.04, subd.2a Result To qualify for residential level of care, a severity rating of 4 in either Dimension IV or V or VI is required (not two of the three) Effective 07/01/12 07/13/20125 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Rule 25’s for Civil Commitments Chemical Use Assessment Requirement New language Chapter 247, Article 5, Section 3 254A.19, subd.4 Chapter 247, Article 5, Section 3 254A.19, subd.4 Result Rule 25 chemical use assessments are not required for persons being committed as chemically dependent Not required during the duration of the commitment CCDTF funding still available, if client is financially eligible Effective 07/01/12 07/13/20126 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Rule 25’s for Civil Commitments Implementation 1. County/Tribe Complete a CPA, filling-in the following fields accordingly: Box #23- Rule 25 Assessment Date-Enter the first date of service Box #24- Assessment Severity Ratings -Leave blank Box #28- Placement Exception-Choose “04 = Civil Commitment” Forward the CPA to the provider Initiate an MMIS service agreement; leave it in pending status 2. Provider Complete the comprehensive assessment Forward the severity ratings to the county/tribe 07/13/20127 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Rule 25’s for Civil Commitments Implementation (continued) 3. County/Tribe Enter severity ratings into MMIS service agreement Approve the MMIS service agreement Questions? Resource Center 07/13/20128 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Advisory Councils’ Continuance American Indian Advisory Council and the Citizen’s Advisory Council Amended language [changed “2012” to “2014”] Chapter 271 254A.035, subd.2 and 254A.04 Chapter A.035, subd.2254A.04 Result Both the Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) and the American Indian Advisory Council (AIAC) expire 06/30/14 Effective 08/01/12 07/13/20129 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Plan for an Integrated Model of Care Service Continuum Development New language Chapter 247, Article 5, Section 8 Result Develop a community-based integrated model of care to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the service continuum Reduce duplication of efforts, promote scientifically supported practices, improve efficiency Report and proposed pilot project by 03/15/13 Effective 07/01/12 07/13/ Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
LADC Changes Alcohol and Drug Counselor Licensing New language Chapter 197, Article 2 148F.010 – 148F.205 Chapter 197, Article 2 Result Placed all licensing regulations into statute Effective 08/01/12 Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (BBHT)BBHT Kari Rechtzigel, Executive Director Samantha Strehlo, LADC Coordinator /13/ Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services
Questions? 07/13/ Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division | MN Dept. of Human Services