The Efficiency of Energy Efficiency Program Tom Van Paris Vice President-Member Services & Communications October 18, 2012
18 member systems (1,527 MW 2012 peak) 1,951 MW owned capacity Member of MISO and PJM 1,689 miles of transmission line 279 substations (12 kV delivery) 8 regional transmission offices Total assets $1.6 billion Total revenue $649 million (2011) 472 employees 2
Topics Importance of collaborative vision Programs Progress to date 3
DSM-Hoosier Energy Perspective Will never replace need for additional capacity Delay need for additional capacity Hoosier Energy treats DSM measures as an alternative source of capacity –Capacity can be acquired in the market, built or gained by being more efficient If the cost to acquire energy through demand response and/or efficiency programs is less than the cost to build, then Hoosier Energy will implement DSM program 4
DSM-Distribution Cooperative Perspective Rates are going up People are having difficulty paying bills Engage customer’s responsibility Offer programs to help manage bills 5
Collaborative Perspective “In partnership with members, Hoosier Energy will develop demand response and efficiency programs and services that empower consumers to better manage energy consumption in an era of rising rates” 6
Current DSM Programs Load Management Residential lighting Residential heating & cooling Appliance recycling Weatherization High performance new home construction Commercial/industrial efficiency Opower Pilot 7
Load Management Control residential AC and water heaters C&I loads participation Voluntary participation programs-distribution co-ops respond to price signals Lessons Learned: –Sometimes less is more –Expect some level of churn –It’s not for everyone 8
Residential Lighting Free CFLs when replacing incandescents Cooperatives distribute during fairs, annual meetings, special events Results: –Over 1.3 million CFLs distributed since 2009; nearly 200,000 this year Lessons Learned: –Bulb exchange works best –Understand that there will be some level of “play” in this –Track your results 9
Residential Heating & Cooling AC/HP/Geothermal heating system rebates: –Incentives for heat pumps replacing electric resistance furnace systems –Rebate is for efficiency of equipment above standard –Amount is roughly for 25% of the incremental cost to install more efficient unit Lessons Learned: –Don’t make too many requirements –Track what is going on in the marketplace –Look for additional opportunities (heat pump water heaters) 10
Appliance Recycling Pick up and recycle inefficient refrigerators and freezers $30 bill credit/check; customer schedules with contractor Nearly 3,500 units picked up since 2009 Lessons Learned: –Start as a pilot; grow into capability –Be flexible in how you pay your member –Assume borderline risks 11
Weatherization Installed weatherization measures for homes with high kwh usage pattern General contractor maintains subcontractor network and schedules work through distribution cooperative All measures installed free of charge; includes pre- and post- diagnostics to measure effects Lessons Learned: –Pre-screen, pre-screen, pre-screen! –Expect high deferral rate –Manage member expectations 12
Touchstone Energy Home Program New residential construction program promoting energy efficient homes Homes are 25-35% more energy efficient than Energy Star homes Program in place since 2003; nearly 250 homes built to TSE standards Lessons Learned: –Efficiency benefits beyond the TSE home –Training and building network important –Guarantee savings 13
C&I Efficiency Prescriptive lighting, HVAC and motors program for commercial and industrial facilities Rebates to encourage higher efficiency installations of equipment Majority of applications are for lighting; developing “custom” application program Lessons Learned: –Be patient! Asking for customer investment –Be creative –Expect great opportunities 14
Opower Pilot Behavioral-based communication program comparing individual household energy usage versus 100 “neighbors” Four co-ops participating with control group testing strategy; run pilot before determining whether to run network-wide Lessons Learned: –Significant technology interface –Make sure local IT staff has skill set/time –A bit of a risk; OK to walk away 15
DSM Progress Through 2011 Estimated lifetime MWh savings: 974,951 Peak MW reduction: –Summer:20.7 –Winter: 35.4 HE lifetime economic benefit: $65 million Overall program cost/kwh: $0.02 TRC B/C ratio: