Self-Portrait Definition= a portrait of your self (duh!)
Self-Portrait The History -Renaissance-artists interested in the self and individual realism -Mirrors were more commonly used
Albrecht Durer 1491 Created the most Self-Portraits up to this time in history.
Vincent van Gogh
It is a common practice today to create self-portraits in all mediums and styles
Symbolic Self-Portraits- Self-Portraits that “say something” Instead of your normal boring self-portrait- we are going to create a self-portrait that communicates about who you are!
Self-Portraits using Symbolism Frida Khalo Self-Portraits using Symbolism
Frida Khalo
Self-Portrait Still-Life A still-life that includes objects that are symbolic representations of the artist Objects that mean something-they are symbolic
Symbolism “Sins of the Flesh”
“The Fall”
Symbolic Self-Portrait Identity- Who you are as an individual The answer to the question “who am I?” that is your identity Goals of this drawing: 1-Define who you are 2-Communicate who you are visually-through your drawing 3-Create an interesting/unique symbolic self-portrait
Brainstorming Activity Who am I? 1-Write down the things you like to do? 2-Write down adjectives about you. As many as you can think of (tall, smart, funny, smelly, ect) 3-How would friends/family describe you? 4-If you were an animal, what kind would you be? Why? 5-What makes you unique? 6-List your important life events. 7-What do you want to do with your life? Goals, hopes, dreams, ect
Some Ideas for the Drawing 1-Self-Portrait/Still-Life-Create a symbolic self-portrait using objects that represent who you are.
Some Ideas for the Drawing 2-Draw a bunch of symbols on a paper with a colored pencil and then draw a portrait on top of the symbols
Some Ideas for the Drawing Draw yourself in a costume or doing an activity
Or figure out your own way of communicating your Identity Who am I? Do you have to have yourself in the picture? No, but it might help. Do you have to have yourself in the picture? No, but it might help. Do you have to make it realistic? No, but it might help What medium should you use? Any-pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, pastels, even paint, but you have to use some type of drawing medium.
First Step-The Idea Draw some rough drafts-get brainstorming- get your ideas on paper It make take 3, 5, 10 or more rough draft sketches before you begin Get reference photos if needed
Symbolic Self-Portrait Grading 1-Interesting and Unique (not your usual class picture self-portrait) 2-It easily communicates visually (the viewer is able to understand what you are trying to say) 3-The self-portrait is symbolic 4-Great craftsmanship 5-Written summary/critique