How would you describe hunger? Try to describe the feeling in as much detail as possible.
Compare your description of hunger to this: All the gnawing pangs of hunger returned tenfold. I began to sing in order to drown out any thoughts prompted by my stomach. Half singing, half crying, fighting the temptation to steal the food from the two men in camp, I walked on, hardly able to put one foot before the other. Whenever I sank to the ground from exhaustion I could think of nothing but my stomach.
Which story would you prefer to read? I was very hungry, and my stomach hurt. I really wanted to get some food. It was hard to walk because I was really tired. I could think of nothing but my stomach. I began to sing, hoping to drown out the hunger pangs. Half singing, half crying, I walked on, almost unable to put one foot in front of the other. I sank to the ground from tiredness.
Descriptive Writing When we write descriptively, the reader can almost see, feel, hear, taste, or smell what we write about
Ideas for writing with more description:
Use all five senses Do not only describe what the characters see and feel. Write down things that they can hear, smell, and even taste. –Example: Arguing makes my stomach sick and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Example The thick, burnt smell of roasted coffee tickled the tip of my nose just seconds before the old, faithful alarm screamed hip-hop through its tiny top speaker. Wiping away the clouds of last night's sleep, the white sunlight blinded me momentarily as I wrapped my arm like an elephant trunk along the top of the alarm, searching for the snooze button.
Be Specific The lady had flowers. The gardener grew lilies. The actress carried a bouquet of roses. The saleswoman held up purple daisies for each customer to see.
Use synonyms Synonyms: words that have a similar meaning –Examples: Pretty, beautiful, gorgeous Happy, excited, delighted
Advantages to using synonyms Synonyms have similar meanings, but not exact. They carry different strengths and connotations. –Example: “gorgeous” is much more pretty than “good-looking” “house” is a building, but “home” means a safe place that someone lives in “slender” tells that someone is skinny and attractive, but “lanky” is skinny, tall and not attractive If you write with words that are uncommon, your writing will be more powerful and engaging
Use synonyms to make this sentence more descriptive A small girl walked across the street.
A tiny teen hurried across the highway. A young child strolled across the alley.
Use Similes and Metaphors Comparisons between two things –They make one thing easier to understand Examples: –My little brother acts like a monkey. –Her dress was as white as snow. –Kindness is the pilot of my life.
Add a simile or metaphor to these sentences: The building was very tall. My broken arm was painful. He sat on an uncomfortable chair.
Use adjectives Adjective: a word that describes a person or place or thing –Examples: Big (house) Blue (shirt) Happy (thoughts) Disgusting (food)
Which sentence tells us more? A girl sat on a chair. A shy, young girl sat on her friend’s dirty, brown chair.
Adjective placement Adjectives should precede (be in front of) the noun it describes –Many people grow pretty flowers. –Many people grow pretty, scented flowers
Assignment: Add 5 adjectives or adverbs to this paragraph to improve it. This weekend I visited my grandmother in her town. She baked cookies for me and took me to a store. She bought clothes and books for me. Then, we went to her home and watched movies.
Review What are the ways to make writing more descriptive?
Use all five senses Be specific Synonyms Similes and metaphors Adjectives
Assignment: Write about a place that you know. Write what the place sounds like, feels like, looks like, and smells like. Try to tell me what you usually taste in that place (what are you eating there?) Use adjectives, synonyms, and extra phrases to give as much detail as you can.