Teaching Linear Algebra: Technology and Resources Leslie Hogben Iowa State University, USA 3rd University Mathematics Courses Forum Chengdu, China November 2007 Leslie Hogben Iowa State University, USA 3rd University Mathematics Courses Forum Chengdu, China November 2007
Contents Technology Effect of LACSG Teaching linear algebra research Bibliography of linear algebra resources Technology Effect of LACSG Teaching linear algebra research Bibliography of linear algebra resources
Technology Basic matrix computation Visualization Computation projects Basic matrix computation Visualization Computation projects
Use of technology for basic matrix computations Students learn and understand method (for example, RREF) Then use technology to solve: Larger more interesting problems Greater variety of problems Students learn and understand method (for example, RREF) Then use technology to solve: Larger more interesting problems Greater variety of problems
Technology for basic matrix computations Calculators M ATLAB, Octave Mathematica, Maple, SAGE Calculators M ATLAB, Octave Mathematica, Maple, SAGE
Basic matrix computations matrix arithmetic Inverse transpose RREF row operations matrix arithmetic Inverse transpose RREF row operations determinant eigenvalues eigenvectors LU QR
Calculators: TI 89, 92, Voyage 200 Matrix operations Easy to use Hard to print Matrix operations Easy to use Hard to print Arithmetic: Symbolic Exact Decimal
Software: M ATLAB, Octave Matrix operations Easy to use Easy to print Matrix operations Easy to use Easy to print Arithmetic: Symbolic ? Not exact Decimal
Octave Free open-source download octave/octave.html octave/octave.html Like M ATLAB Free open-source download octave/octave.html octave/octave.html Like M ATLAB
Software: Mathematica, Maple, SAGE Matrix operations Hard to use Easy to print Matrix operations Hard to use Easy to print Arithmetic: Symbolic Exact Decimal
SAGE Free download Can also run on-line Excellent capabilities Free download Can also run on-line Excellent capabilities
TI Calculators Entering a matrix: [1,2,3;4,5,6;1,0,1] a Displays nicely: Entering a matrix: [1,2,3;4,5,6;1,0,1] a Displays nicely:
TI Calculators: Matrix operations
TI Calculators: Menus
SAGE Make matrix space M Then enter matrix as A =M([[1,1/2,1], [3,-2,4/3], [4,-3/2,7/3]]); A Displays nicely Make matrix space M Then enter matrix as A =M([[1,1/2,1], [3,-2,4/3], [4,-3/2,7/3]]); A Displays nicely
Mathematica Entering a matrix: a={{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}} Displays nicely only if told to: Entering a matrix: a={{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}} Displays nicely only if told to:
Mathematica : Matrix operations
Mathematica: Menus exist but are harder to use than typing
Visualization Software: Richard Varga’s Gershini 20.dir/gershini.html file:///Users/hogben/A%20Leslie/A%20research/07CHINA/Hogben UCMF/gershini.webarchive
Computation projects A project is: A multi-part activity Involves technology Usually involves an application A project is: A multi-part activity Involves technology Usually involves an application
Sample Projects Markov chains Electric circuits (current/voltage only) Gershgorin circles Computer graphics Markov chains Electric circuits (current/voltage only) Gershgorin circles Computer graphics
Effect of LACSG Lead to ongoing discussion of teaching linear algebra Some criticism from math educators, but had very little effect Some recommendations widely adopted Others (omissions from core) ignored Lead to ongoing discussion of teaching linear algebra Some criticism from math educators, but had very little effect Some recommendations widely adopted Others (omissions from core) ignored
Why was LACSG influential? LACSG recommendations made sense to faculty teaching linear algebra Many universities and authors were already revising their linear algebra courses and texts in a similar manner. LACSG recommendations made sense to faculty teaching linear algebra Many universities and authors were already revising their linear algebra courses and texts in a similar manner.
Some LACSG recommendations were already happening In 1979 I taught linear algebra from a “LACSG-style” text (Anton) Matrix oriented, emphasized R n Applications in a supplement Not much technology No use of partitioned matrices In 1979 I taught linear algebra from a “LACSG-style” text (Anton) Matrix oriented, emphasized R n Applications in a supplement Not much technology No use of partitioned matrices
What LACSG advice adopted? Matrix oriented Emphasis on R n All core topics Applications Use of technology Matrix oriented Emphasis on R n All core topics Applications Use of technology
What was not adopted? Defer abstract vector spaces and linear transformations to 2nd course 2nd course at small colleges Defer abstract vector spaces and linear transformations to 2nd course 2nd course at small colleges
LACSG+ core Matrix oriented Emphasizes R n LACSG core + abstract vector spaces + linear transformations Widely adopted Matrix oriented Emphasizes R n LACSG core + abstract vector spaces + linear transformations Widely adopted
LACSG’s partitioned matrices
Partitioned matrices in texts Partitioned matrix perspective partially evident in Lay, Leon, Strang, Fully in the graduate text by Zhang Partitioned matrix perspective partially evident in Lay, Leon, Strang, Fully in the graduate text by Zhang
Iowa State University 21,000 undergraduates and 5,000 graduate students 140 undergraduate mathematics majors (many will become high school teachers) 50 PhD and MS students in math and applied math 21,000 undergraduates and 5,000 graduate students 140 undergraduate mathematics majors (many will become high school teachers) 50 PhD and MS students in math and applied math
Linear Algebra at ISU In mid-1980s ISU faculty evaluated the first undergraduate linear algebra course (math 307) Course was split into two Both matrix oriented and use technology for basic computation In mid-1980s ISU faculty evaluated the first undergraduate linear algebra course (math 307) Course was split into two Both matrix oriented and use technology for basic computation
Linear Algebra at ISU Math 307 is a LACSG first course aimed at students in other fields Math 317 is a first linear algebra course for math majors and emphasizes proof writing but is matrix oriented and uses technology Math 471 is numerical linear algebra Math 307 is a LACSG first course aimed at students in other fields Math 317 is a first linear algebra course for math majors and emphasizes proof writing but is matrix oriented and uses technology Math 471 is numerical linear algebra
Teaching Linear Algebra Research US-NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program ISU combinatorial matrix theory research group US-NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program ISU combinatorial matrix theory research group
US-NSF REU US has a problem persuading undergraduates to enter graduate school REUs show students what doing math is like and create enthusiasm for math More REU students go to graduate school US has a problem persuading undergraduates to enter graduate school REUs show students what doing math is like and create enthusiasm for math More REU students go to graduate school
ISU Combinatorial Matrix Theory Research Group Summer REU for undergraduates Academic year early research course for first year graduate students Summer REU for undergraduates Academic year early research course for first year graduate students
Bibliography of Linear Algebra Resources Technology bibliography LACSG bibliography Undergraduate research bibliography Technology bibliography LACSG bibliography Undergraduate research bibliography
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