[EVENT NAME HERE] [Date here} 1
Primary Proposer/Organizer Info Name(s): Affiliations(s): HFES membership status: Tel: 2
Event Details Type of event – Webinar, virtual meeting (1-2 days) – Workshop – One-day summit – 2-3 day symposium – Stand alone meeting – add-on to Annual Meeting – Other: Approx. year/month to be held: Ideal Location(s): 3
Event Details Length of event Size of event (estimated or desired number of attendees): HFES TGs most related to event: Proposed event chair (if different than primary proposer) 4
Event Justification/Value Why this event? Why does HFES need to put this event on? What is unique about it? Why will people speak at or attend this event?? Do you have any data to support the value of the event? 5
Event Justification (check all that apply) Scientific outreach Public outreach Practitioner/guidelines/best practices outreach Professional development of HFES members Advancement of science ownership of emerging domain Push boundaries outside of society Other: 6
Event Justification What is the value to HFES, the Society? What is the value to HFES members? What is the value to HF/E, the field? What is the value to the at-large community? 7
Related Events Are there related events that demonstrate an audience for this event? Explain why this a “hot” or “emerging” topic? Are there any conflicts with our Annual Meeting or other HFES events or non-HFES meetings? What other organizations, societies and domains will be represented or should be involved? 8
Who should attend and why? Who is the audience of presenters? – What percentage of speakers will be HFES members? Who is the audience of attendees? – What percentage of attendees will be HFES members? – What other organizations, societies and domains will you draw from? Why will they choose to attend this event? Who might be key speakers? Target Audience 9
Proposed Content Please describe the proposed event content Submitted? Invited? Mixture? Posters? Demonstrations? Keynote speakers? 10
Finances What are the financial and registration models for attendee costs, attendee materials receipts, and support for special attendee types? Do you need seed money? List potential sources of funding List potential sponsors What is the risk to HFES? 11
Success Metrics Explain what will make this event a success How would you measure the success of this event? – Exposure – Outreach – Attendees – $$ – Other: 12
References Please list name, affiliation and contact information for up to 4 persons who can serve as a reference for the development of this event. 13
Additional Information Please provide any other pertinent information towards helping the Specialized Events Committee and the HFES executive council evaluate this proposed event. 14
Contact Information For information about this template or the specialized event committee, please contact Dr. Anthony D. Andre, Specialized Event Committee Chair 15