Priority Access Service (PAS) A Government Initiative to Provide CoS to NS/EP Responders Carol-Lyn Taylor Office of the Manager National Communications System Manager, Wireless Priority Services
CONTRIBUTOR: NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 2 NS/EP Support A JOINT GOVERNMENT / INDUSTRY PLANNING PROCESS National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee CHAIR: Daniel P. Burnham President and CEO President and CEO Raytheon Company Raytheon Company 30 Senior Executives from Industry Provides Industry-based Recommendations to President on NS/EP Telecommunications Executive Office of the President Executive Agent (Secretary Of Defense) Office of the Manager, NCS (OMNCS) (Manager, Deputy Manager, Programs) 22 Federal Departments and Agencies and Agencies Provide Government-based Perspectives on NS/EP Issues for Telecommunications Organization Responsible for Coordinating the Nation’s Critical National Security Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications (
Fully Responds to NCS’ 19 October 1995 Petition for PAS to Meet Nation’s National Defense and Security Need (effective 10 October 2000) Allows Authorized NS/EP Users in Emergency to Gain Access to the Next Available Wireless Channel Permits, But Does Not Require, CMRS Providers to Offer PAS to NS/EP Personnel at Federal, State and Local Levels and in Industry Providers Choosing to Offer PAS are Required to Adhere to Uniform Operating Protocols Providers May Limit PAS to a Portion of their Spectrum Removes Major Liability Concerns for CMRS Providers Offering PAS NCS to Have Day-to-Day Responsibility for Overall PAS Program PRIORITY ACCESS SERVICE (PAS) FCC : 2ND REPORT AND ORDER CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio Service) = Cellular, PCS, SMR, Paging, Satellite and Air-to-Ground 3
PAS DESCRIPTION Annex B, Part 64, Chapter 1, Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations Priority Access Service for National Security and Emergency Preparedness Provides Means for Qualified and Authorized NS/EP Users to Obtain Priority Access to Available Radio Channels at Air Interface Origination and/or Termination in a Call Path Involving Wireless When Necessary to Initiate Emergency Calls Qualified Users of PAS are those NS/EP personnel who meet the criteria of and have been assigned one of the five PAS levels as described in the FCC Order Authorized Users of PAS are those NS/EP personnel who have been validated for PAS through NCS Processes (Appendix A to SRD). 4 To Be Available to Authorized NS/EP Users At All Times in Equipped Wireless Markets Where Service Provider Has Chosen to Offer Such Service Authorized Users to Activate Feature on a Per Call Basis To Be Used During Situations When CMRS Network Congestion is Blocking Call Attempts Does Not Preempt Calls in Progress Five Priority Levels Reserved for NS/EP Users, and These Users Provided Access to Wireless Channels Before Any Other Wireless Callers
Requested Action Review and comment on PAS Service Description Include PAS as a QoS requirement Help brainstorm solutions to achieving FCC