1 Terminal Sizes CTIS # Prepared By John Yurtin Updated Connection Systems Training
2 The first step in supporting the customer is to clearly know your product. Understanding the reasons for all the different terminal sizes is absolutely necessary to choose the right terminal for any application This training should help you understand the different terminals we produce, why they exist and how to choose the right product. Excellence Focus: Your customer Method: Innovation and continuous improvement
3 “Hello! Welcome to this terminal systems training session! Understanding all the different terminal systems we produce today is a big challenge. I hope this session will give you a better knowledge of Delphi’s various connections. I plan time for questions at the end of the session, however, please feel free to ask questions at any time.” John Yurtin
4 Thermo Nalius Ringus
Chevrolet Wire Harness
6 Over 2400 Terminals Today’s “High End” Vehicle Wiring
7 500 to 2400 Terminals / Vehicle “Over 126 Billion Terminals / Year” Over 63 Million Vehicles / Year Automotive Connections “101”
8 7,200,000 Terminals 2 Hours of Delphi Production
9 Pack-Con I Pack Con II & IV 56 Series 58 Series 59 Series Com Pack I, II, & III Edge board (Fork, ECM & Bow Types) 188 Series (4.7mm) Twin Lock ACT Series ES-Kontakt 0.64mm Buchsenkontakt Pin Grip Weather-Pack Metri-Pack Micro-Pack 100 & 100W Ducon Micro-Pack 064 Ring/Spade Micro-Timer DS Series DFK Series HVF & HVF II VF Series SF Series Faston AF Series Pack Con III & IV Edge board (Pack-Con Types) Micro 64 Micro HVT (unsealed) GT 800 Maxi ATS MTS 064 DSQ 2.8 BTS 090 II Series 070 Series 040 III Series 250 Series W Series Power-Pack DHD Heavy Duty ZRT BFC 1.8 YESC 187 Series Micro 050 Series (Toyota) GT 1.5, 2.8 & 6.3 with FBT Flex-Pack 0.64, 1.2, 1.5 & & 6.3 PCB 1.5 & 2.8 ETS 1.2 Optima 0.64 MTSB Micro HVT II with FBT 1mm Deutsch Replacement.5 mm Blade-on-Beam.8 mm Blade-on-Beam 6mm vane - Motorola Develop Introduce and Grow Maintain Exit Terminal Systems Portfolio
10 How many terminal types do we need?
11 Electrical Requirements Power / Signal / Voltage / Current…. Mechanical Requirements Environmental Requirements Mating Devices Standards National / International / OEM / Organization…… Preferences Pin / Blade / One Piece / Two Piece… Materials and plating… And Every Combination of These As many as it takes!!
12 Metri-Pack Terminal Proliferation 150, 280,480,630,800 M&F10 Various Crimp Configurations50 Sealed and Unsealed100 Add 150 Pull-To Seat versions160 280 Slotted Pull to seats169 Design Variations (e.g. Nose Guards)287 Material Options565 Plating Options680
13 Blade / Pin Standards
14 ISO Standards
15 USCAR Standards The USCAR organization has standardized on 4 terminal sizes: –0.64 X 0.64 –1.5 X 0.8 –2.8 X 0.8 –6.3 X 0.8 USCAR also specifies the material and plating requirements.
16 SAE Standards
17 Terminal Sizes (slide 1 of 3) Micro 050 Toyota Micro-Pack.64 Micro-Pack 100W 150Metri-Pack070 Series.5 Ducon.64 Ducon.8 Ducon Micro-Pack DuconBFC 1.8 Micro III150 GT Micro HVT DSQ 1.5.5mm Blade- on-Beam.8mm Blade- on-Beam Optima150 GT (FBT) MTS/MTSB1mm P&SBTS 1.5 Buchsen- kontakt CTS 1.2CTS Kaizan Replacement 1.5 ZRT.64 Flex-Pack1.2 Flex-Pack1.5 Flex-Pack
Weather-Pack090 II Series280 Metri-PackPack-Con I187 SeriesPack-Con II 090 II (FBT)DS Series188 Series DSQ Series188 Pack-Con ZRT Metri-Pack HVF Series4.8 Ducon 2.8 Ducon 2.8 Flex-Pack 280 GT 280 GT (FBT) ATS 2.8 BTS 2.8 CTS Terminal Sizes (slide 2 of 3)
Pack-Con III, IV & V 56 Series59 Series9.5 DuconPower Pack 1500 Series Power Pack 2000 Series 58 Series800 Maxi SF SeriesMaxi-Fuse 630 Metri- Pack 800 Metri- Pack 6.3 Ducon 630 GT 630 GT (FBT) VF Series Terminal Sizes (slide 3 of 3)
Ducon 0.5 mm Terminals
21 Micro-Pack 0.64 MTS MTS B Buchsenkontakt Micro-64 Micro HVT 0.64 mm Terminals
22 Ducon 0.8 Micro HVT 0.8 mm Terminals
III Micro-Pack 100 Micro-Pack 100W Micro HVT 1.0 mm Terminals
24 CTS 1.5 BTS 1.5 DSQ 1.5 Micro HVT 1.2 mm Terminals Optima 1.2
25 CTS 1.5 BTS 1.5 DSQ 1.5 Ducon GT Metri-Pack mm Terminals
mm Terminals BFC 1.8
II 2.3 mm Terminals
28 DSQ 2.8 ATS 2.8 Ducon 2.8 Metri-Pack GT DS Series VF mm Terminals BTS2.8
29 Ducon Series 480 Metri-Pack 4.8 mm Terminals
30 56 Series VF Series Ducon 6.3 SF Contact 630 Metri-Pack 58 Series 6.3 mm Terminals GT
31 59 Series Maxi Fuse 800 Metri-Pack 8.0 mm Terminals
32 Ducon mm Terminals
33 15 mm Power-Pack 20 mm Power-Pack 15 & 20 mm Terminals
34 One-Piece, Tangless, Non-Oriented Terminal Square Peg in a Round Hole Minimum 3 point contact is maintained in all terminal orientations by design Internal contact arms are protected by outer barrel Terminal-to-connector locking accomplished on outer barrel Non-oriented design facilitates harness manufacture Mating Pin USCAR or ISO Standard 0.64mm Square or 0.8mm Round Production Crimp Mechanically and electrically validated 0.35mm²/0.50mm² and 0.80mm² 2 Moving Contacts Stationary Contact Female Terminal 0.007” thick, CDA 425 hard Palladium/gold flash electroplate Micro-64 Terminal System
35 Application FFC/FPC Connection Device Connection Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 0.64 x 0.64 male terminal FPC Crimp MQS (Tyco) cavity compatible Target Customers OPEL, VOLVO, PSA,FIAT, RENAULT, TIER 1 Expected Volumes per Year SOP: August Mio. parts Mio. parts Mio. parts Stage of Development Parts available and validated Micro Terminal System 0.64 MTS 0.64
36 Application Inline Connection Features Three piece male terminal design Mating part: 0.64 x 0.64 female terminal Unsealed MQS (Tyco) cavity compatible Target Customers OPEL, VOLVO, DC, FIAT, RENAUT, PSA, TIER 1 Expected Volumes per Year SOP: Oct Mio. parts Mio. parts Mio. parts Stage of Development Tooling in process Micro Terminal System 0.64 MTS 0.64
37 Application Engine Compartment Connection Device Connection Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 0.64 x 0.64 male terminal Clean body for blocksealing systems Target Customers OPEL, FIAT, VOLVO, PSA, RENAULT, VW, DC Expected Volumes per Year SOP Oct Mio. parts Mio. parts Mio. parts Stage of Development Prototypes available Micro Terminal System Blockseal 0.64 MTS 0.64 B
38 Application In-Lines and Device Connection 2.54 mm Centerlines Features One piece terminal designs Female terminal mates to: 0.64 x 0.64 male terminal 0.80 x 0.64 male terminal 1.00 x 0.64 male terminal 1.20 x 0.64 male terminal Target Customers First Application GMT201 Headlamp Conn Stage of Development Female in Production Male terminal in development (1.0 x 0.64) Validation Complete to USCAR HVT Unsealed Female HVT Unsealed Male Micro HVT 1.2 mm
39 Application Engine Compartment Connection In-Line & Device Connection Features One piece terminal designs Female terminal mates to: 0.64 x 0.64 male terminal 0.80 x 0.64 male terminal 1.00 x 0.64 male terminal 1.20 x 0.64 male terminal Clean body for blocksealing systems Cavity compatable with Kostal MLK 1.2 Target Customers First application Daimler Chrysler ECM Stage of Development Production Tooling Near Completion High Value Terminal System (Sealed) HVT Sealed Female
40 Closed Box Terminal Contact gap is optimized for 0.64 mm thick blade, but mates to a 0.8 mm thick blade (devices) Secondary Contact Support Supports the primary contact, giving the advantages of a two-piece terminal in a one- piece design Tangless Design In conformance with SAE/USCAR design guidelines -40°C to 125°C operating range (USCAR Class III) 155°C terminal exists for high temp applications (Class IV) Indexing Tab Approximately 10.4 billion 150 GT terminals with this interface are currently in service GT Standard Terminal System 1.5
41 Closed Box Terminal Contact gap is optimized for 0.8 mm thick blade on USCAR-standard devices Tangless Design Same basic geometry as the standard GT female terminal Indexing Tab Unique from that on standard GT female terminal -Terminal will not plug to a connector designed for standard female terminal This interface geometry has been in production since MY02 –Used on GMT360/370 »40 places – BEC to BCM flex circuit jumper GT USCAR Device Terminal System 1.5
42 Flex-Pack Connection System Proposal –New low cost connection system that performs to USCAR and Toyota 1000G requirements Goal –Reduce connection system cost by 15% to 20% from current systems cost. –Offer innovation- closer centerlines with larger cable, high terminal retention forces with one piece plastic, optimize normal force on contacts while maintaining engage force requirements, mating blade lead-in.
43 One piece female connector housing, NO spacer/PLR or secondary lock required (tangless terminal system) Superior terminal to connector retention –No flexible lock features Good tactile and audible plug: Inertia style plug Tighter row to row packaging than typical tangless terminal systems- Works in Europe Mating blade lead in integral to connector housing Integrated Blade Lead In Flex Beam (Spring) Cantilever Lock (Flexible) Flex Beam Technology Typical Tangless Terminal Cavity Flex Beam Technology Rigid Lock PLR or Secondary Piece Blade Lead In on PLR Conn Housing
44 Flex Beam Technology Marrying Product/Process Build Holder utilizes two ring out pins –Terminal contacts pins 90° with respect to plugging direction –One or two ring out pins can be used depending on build process Ring Out Pins Build Holder Terminal to Pin contact 90° from axis of plug
45 GT Terminal with Flex Beam Technology GT 150 Terminal Redesign (first step) »Smoothing box to evaluate matt seal applications »Wedge feature for added terminal retention »Evaluating contact 280 and 630 ESD’s in design Basic electrical contact remains same Wedge Feature added to increase terminal retention
46 100% closed mating blade lead in integral to connector housing Non-orienting terminal, symmetric to blade Plug through matte (block) seal New double spring terminal contact Roll out –1.2, 1.5, 2.8, 6.3/8.0 –0.64 being evaluated Blade Lead In 100% enclosed Hold Down Beam Terminal Lock Flex Beam Technology Next Generation- Flex Pack Built in Interference between Terminal and Beam Ring out pin cavities
47 Integrated Blade Lead In Hold Down Beam Terminal Lock Flex Beam Cavity – “Enhanced Cavity Design” One piece female connector housing, NO spacer or secondary lock required Superior terminal retention. Retention force averages above 120N’s (Toyota Spec: 100N min) Packaging advantage –Adapts to European device footprint Mating blade lead in integral to connector housing
48 VF Series Terminals ( Vier Feder) Description –Terminal System 1.5, 2.8, 6.3 (4.8) Series –Sealed and unsealed available –Brand Names »DS (Double Spring) »VF (Vier-Feder) »HVF (Hochleistungs Vier-Feder) »DSQ (Double Spring Quadlock) »ATS (Active Terminal System) –HVF available with FPC Crimp Value –Cavity compatible with Industry standard connectors –Good electrical and mechanical performance combination –ATS with high vibration performance due to S-Spring element –1,5 Male Terminal is universally usable Status –All Terminal Versions in production including several connector systems –New connector developments in process
49 Application Inline Connection Device Connection Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 1.2/1.5 x 0.8 male terminal Unsealed and Sealed Cavity compatible to Tyco Micro-Timer Target Customers OPEL, FIAT Status In Production DSQ 1.5 DSQ 1.5 (Double Spring Quadlock)
50 Application Device Connection Inline Connection Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 1,5 x 0.8 blade Sealed and Unsealed Sicma 2 & 3 (FCI) cavity compatible Target Customers PSA, Renault, FIAT Stage of Development Tooling in process BTS 1.5 BTS 1.5 (Block Seal Terminal System)
51 Optima 1.2 Features: 2 Piece Terminal System Blockseal /Unsealed and Single Wire Cavity compatible to MLK & MCP Centerline 2,54 mm, two rows One Part for 2 Gap Sizes 0.6 & 0.8 mm Version: 1.2 mm Female Customer:All Application: Standard Status: Development Innovation: Patent application
52 BTS 2.8 (Block Seal Terminal System) Features: 2 Piece Terminal System Blockseal / Unsealed Terminal Cavity compatible to FCI Sicma Version: 2,8 mm, Female Customer: PSA / Renault Status:Patent Filed
53 BFC 1.8 Terminal Application Inline Connections 0.5mm mm 2 versions Unsealed versions only Features One piece female terminal design Mating part: 1.8 x 0.8 male terminal Cavity Compatable with Tyco 070 Series Micro-Lock or Mini-MIC terminals (BFC is Portuguese for "Baixa Força de Conexão" (Low Engage Force). Customers Ford and Fiat Status: In Production (Brazil)
54 CTS 1.5 (Compact Terminal System) Product Description –1,5 Terminal size, sealed and unsealed –Successor of the Timer terminals –Terminal is cavity compatible with QKK (VW) and MCP (rest of the world) Value Proposition –One terminal part number for mating tab 0,6 and 0,8 mm –highest vibration performance and low insertion force based on 2 piece CTS terminal design Status –In Production
55 Application Inline Connections Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 2.8 x 0.8/0.6 male terminal Support spring from the front Spacer at the body terminal to define the gap size Soft spring rate Target Customers All Stage of Development Concept Only CTS 2.8 (Compact Terminal System)
56 Application Inline and Devices Features Two piece female terminal design 1.) Mating part: 1.5 x 0.8 male terminal 2.) Mating part: 2.8 x 0.8 male terminal Cavity compatible to GT-System Target Customers European Customers Expected Volumes per Year SOP: tbd Stage of Development Concept study in process ETS 2.8 ETS 1.5 & 2.8 (European Terminal System)
57 Application Inline Connection Bus Electrical Centers (BEC) Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 2.8 x 0.8 male terminal Unsealed 4-side-shoulder for secondary locking Cavity Compatible with Tyco Junior Power Timer Target Customers OPEL Status In Production DSQ 2.8 DSQ 2.8 (Double Spring Quadlock)
58 Application Engine Compartment Device Connections High Vibration Applications Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 2.8 x 0.8 male terminal Fretting Corrosion Resistant Flewxible section between core crimp and body absorbs vibrations. Sealed System Target Customers OPEL, FIAT Status Production ATS S-Spring performance ATS 2.8 (Active Terminal System)
59 Application Terminal for Maxi Fuses Unsealed terminal Features Two piece female terminal design Mating part: 8,0 x 0.8 fuse blade Target Customers VW, Audi Stage of Development Development on hold Maxi Fuse 8.0
60 Features: –One piece terminal system – Soldering Terminal PCB Terminals Version:2,8 and 6,3 mm Customer:All Application: IBEC Stage of Development: Concept Innovation status: Patent application Availability of parts: No PCB Terminals
61 Ducon Series Terminals Description –High performing terminal system –Sealed and unsealed –Blade sizes 0.64, 0.8, 1.5, 2.8, 4.8, 6.3, 9.5, and 9.5 HT Status –In production since 1989 –Copied by Kostal SLK –Plan to optimize the manufacturing process during 2005 for cost reduction Value Proposition High electrical performance High energy, high voltage capability Excellent temperature and vibration resistance Robust two piece design Multiple contact point technology
62 –Silver Plated Copper Alloy »2 Piece Terminals »Offers Low Electrical Resistivity and High Thermal Conductivity »Uses “Vane” contacts »Designed for straight or Right Angle Mating Inline connection Right angle connection Power-Pack Terminals
Series 2000 Series 10 vane Insert 8 vane Insert Power-Pack Terminals –Passed Current Cycling »400A for 12s »200A for 12s »50A for 12s »20 Cycles –Successfully used at 230A continuously