What Can a 5-year-old Do? Susan Brooks October 1,2010 Martin Institute Fall Conference
/ skills-k-langbuilders.htm
Teacher Resources Signs for the classroom ( Number 29) Information for Parents Desktop Strips Writing Paper Pre-school printables Fingerplay Mouse control /kplus_misc.htm
tag cloud with styles
Tagxedo.com Show opposite flash cards and let student find the words in the picture.
Mother’s Day Cards Students write down words that describe their mother and type them in to make a Mother’s Day card.
Tagxedo Ideas Repetitive word books - Red Bird Color Words & Number Words A class list - each child writing his name Dolch Words – Spelling Words Word Wall words, Vocab Words Field Trip Report
Color vs Number Words
Tagxedo Tips Use the tilde to connect words together as in a phrase, such as Mother’s~Day. When you change the shape, click on the word shape for the outline to appear. Shape background will not appear when you save. Use 5-color themes for more contrast.
Polling Tool Brainstorming Tool Choose the :Click for more options: to make it kid friendly Unlimited Answers option
Ones with the most votes enlarges. Take data and use it in other applications
Open Excel In Row A write down the color words In Row B write down the tally. Use arrow keys to move down and across. After data is entered, press F11
Students type in their words and the avatar will read it back to them.
What to do when the Internet is down?
Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley
Read and Follow Directions Color and Number Words
PowerPoint Activities
PowerPoint Ideas Take me to the Zoo Transportation My Family. Senses – Each child select the sense he/she likes best and illustrate it in a Paint picture to be imported into PowerPoint.
PowerPoint Presentation on Transportation
Activity in Word Color Words Make each word the right color! redorangepurplegreen yellowblackwhiteblue brownpurpleredyellow bluegreenorangeblack orangeredyellowpurple bluebrowngreenred Click on each word two times. When it is highlighted, click on the arrow by the capital A and pick the color to match the word.
Using Excel in the Primary Classroom Make charts Collect Data Make interactive games Create things for the Smart Board
Making a Chart in Excel Take a survey of the class. Hint: a yes/no one is the best Have student open excel and type in totals of tallys. Hit the *magic* key and you have your graph.
Whose name has the most letters?
So what can 5- year-olds do with a computer?
Anything you teach them to do!
Thanks for coming! Susan Brooks www. internet4classrooms.com
Teacher Tips Drag short cuts to Taskbar so students only need to click once to get to site. Delete it when finished and create site for the next activity. Put site shortcut on Personal Toolbar in Internet Explorer. Students will only have to click once to open the site.