Fifth grade Internet search engines and searching Already? Mrs. R. rules!!
How do you find info on the Internet? Enter a word or words into a search engine
Search engines Search engines work by using Keyword searching
Search engines Search engines look in Internet web sites for whatever word or words you enter
But you have to
What words do you choose? If you don’t put in enough words, you get Too muny sites, some about other meanings of a word
If you put in too many words You get too few results, and results may be confusing
And if you put in the wrong word You get garbage
Keyword search You type in a word…
Keyword search And you get zillions of hits!!
Weasel pup!! That’s way too many sites to try to find anything you want!!!
So, what can you do? Use a smaller search engine
Other search engines Yes, there are other search engines besides Yahoo and Google
There are special search engines For kids!
Quintura for kids All sites are screened by volunteers Suggests other keywords you might search for
Ask for kids You are supposed to be able to use “natural language”, or a regular question It doesn’t always work right!
Nettrekker Search results give you more information about the site
AOL for kids--KOL Not as good for research Has some homework helpers
Kidsclick! A search engine made by librarians Can be a subject or keyword search Also can search alphabetically
Whenever you work online Try to figure out if the site is Reliable Accurate Current Understandable
Study the URL “address” http: Who made the site What kind of site is it
When you are at the site Try to find out the author/producer of the site—are they qualified? How recent is the site? When was it updated? Are there spelling and grammar mistakes?
And what if you still can’t find what you are looking for?
So, what else can you do? Use another source (online encyclopedia, Badgerlink) Redo your search
To be a better searcher… Choose the right size search engine or information source for your question
For a simple or general question World Book online Kidsclick Askkids
For a more detailed question World Book Online nettrekker Yahoo
For a complicated or very precise question Google Yahoo Badgerlink
And always… Put information in your own words Give credit to where you found the information (bibliography)