Education in Slovakia
Schools in Slovakia Schools in Slovakia divided into 3 groups: state church private Compulsory education designed school system in Slovakia lasts ten years. Compulsory schooling children receive primary and secondary schools. Completion of primary school is mandatory in Slovakia. Besides, it offers schools the opportunity to attend primary art school, where children can go voluntarily after regular school. In primary schools, smaller children can spend time after school in school clubs.
Grades schools in Slovakia Education of children in Slovakia begins in kindergarten (3-6 years) Primary schools (6-15 years) Secondary schools (15-19 years) Colleges, universities (from 19 years) Children do not wear uniforms
Kindergarten Education of children in Slovakia begins in kindergarten. Children attend kindergarten from 3 years. Learn to draw, recite, sing, explore nature, colors and things around them. Preschoolers (5-6 year olds) learn to recognize geometric shapes, months of the year, the names of days, learn hygiene habits.
Elementary School We begin to walk their children to school after the age of 6 years. Elementary school has two stages. The first stage lasts four years ( grades 1 - 4). The second stage lasts 5 years (5th-9th grade). The transition from the first stage to the second is not conditioned entrance examination, a student after successful completion of the fourth year of study continues. Children do not wear uniforms. Education at first instance is different from education at the second level. While at first instance most subjects taught by one teacher, the second stage teaches every subject through another teacher. In the first instance, students have at least four and a maximum of six lessons, teaching takes on average about half one in the afternoon. Students at the second stage have five or six lessons and teaching between one end to the other half in the afternoon. One lesson has a duration of 45 minutes between each lesson to take short breaks
Subjects 1st stage of primary schools Mathematics Prvouka (1st - 2nd Year) Slovak language, reading, writing Science (3rd - 4th Year) Regional studies (3 - 4 Year) Music Education Religion and Ethics Art Physical Education 2nd grade of primary schools Mathematics Slovak language and literature English or German (or both simultaneously) Physics chemistry Biology Geography history Art Physical Education Citizenship Religion and Ethics technical work
9th year During the 9th year of the student decide on what middle school he wants to continue in the study. He chooses his school, which correspond to the results achieved in primary school and its interests. The admission of a student in high school are made by the school on the achieved learning outcomes or results of admission tests
Middle School After completion of the 9th grade of elementary school pupil continues the 10-year compulsory schooling at the selected middle school to which they were based on the decision of the school system adopted. Specialized secondary schools Secondary vocational schools and associated secondary schools providing apprenticeship lasts two years study (limited number of branches), three or four years. Secondary schools and grammar schools Secondary schools provide education for four or five years. In Slovakia there are secondary schools Electrical, hotel, medical, commercial academies, sports, arts, and more. Grammar schools in Slovakia provide education for four years, or eight-year study. The organization is similar to teaching in primary schools. Teaching takes an average of 6-7 lessons. The study is leaving exam, which has a written and oral part.
High school The school system in Slovakia enables graduates High school or high school to study at colleges and universities. The study lasts three years. After completion of three years of study, the student has the opportunity to study master or engineering, which lasts two years
In Trnava, we have: 8 primary schools 5 secondary schools 5 grammar 2 Academy 2 University