“It Gave Me Confidence”: How Field Experience and Service Learning Impact Pre-service Teacher Learning Regarding Diversity and Multiculturalism in an Urban Middle School Sue F. Foo, Ed.D, Erin Desmarais, Thomas Farrington, Matthew Cadigan, Jessica Xavier & Elizabeth Marc-Aurele
Overview A qualitative study on partnership between a teacher preparation program and an urban middle school. Readiness of pre-service teachers to work with students from diverse backgrounds. Impact of field experience and service learning on pre-service teachers.
Course and Service Learning/Field Experience Partnership: two years with a core group of teachers Course: Diversity and Multicultural Education Guided Field Experience: 20 hours; teach lessons; focus group with middle school students; work with small groups of students; and complete reflective journals
Reflective Journals Questions What are some of your perceptions or beliefs about the population you are serving? What did you observe and learn? What have you gained from this experience? What fears or concerns, if any, do you have about working with the students or an individual student? What have you learned about yourself? What values, opinions, beliefs have changed? What have not? Why? How have you been challenged?
Focus of the study: 1.to assess the partnership between the Education Department of a university in the Northeast and an urban professional development school (PDS); 2. to investigate the perspectives of pre-service teachers on multicultural education and diversity in a teacher preparation program; 3. to investigate the impact of service learning/field experience on pre-service teachers’ learning.
Literature Review The increasing heterogeneous classroom requires teachers to teach students with different cultures, language, abilities and other characteristics (Gollnick & Chinn 2002). Integrated field work helps inform and engage pre-service teachers. (Kraft, 2002; Coffey, 2010; Sleeter, 2008)
Literature Review The service learning pedagogy in diversity education promotes student reflection and awareness of political, social and economic intolerance in order to foster a deeper respect and appreciation for diversity (Holland, 2006)
Literature Review Incorporating a service learning component into a multicultural course in higher education can result in positive learning, personal and social outcomes. (Eyler and Giles, 2001)
Definition Service Learning: a learning experience that facilitates student acquisition of awareness, knowledge, and skills while promoting a commitment to personal, social, civic, and professional responsibility. (Burnett, Long, and Horne, 2005) Field Experience: provides opportunities within actual teaching settings, facilitates authentic learning, allows students to practice and implement the knowledge and skills ……and promotes a high degree of emotional involvement ……. increased professional growth. (Casey & Howson, 1993; Dawson, 2006)
Methodology Participants: 17 pre-service teachers (m= 9; f=8) 4 in-service teachers (m=2; f=2) Data Collection: 3 focus groups with pre-service teachers 3 interviews with in-service teachers 17 pre-service teachers completed field reflective journals
Results: Partnership between university and urban middle school provided an authentic experience for pre-service teachers about learners and teachers. revealed the importance of communication, and further improvement is needed. provided opportunities for in-service and pre-service teachers to assume different roles. expanded the experiences of the in-service teachers to include mentoring.
Results: Perspectives of pre-service teachers on multicultural education and field work Able to improve communication and instructional skills. Able to make ‘actual connections rather than hearing about multiculturalism and diversity.’ Able to identify different issues and perspectives pertaining to diversity.
Results: Impact of service learning/field experience on pre-service teachers. Attitudinal Change of Pre-service Teachers Pre-service Teachers’ Self Discovery Journey Pre-service Teachers’ Cross Cultural Competence Skills Pre-Service Teachers’ Construction of New Knowledge
Results: Impact of service learning/field experience on pre-service teachers. Potential for Service Learning
Discussion Authentic experience allows direct application of readings, observations and doing - leads to construction of new knowledge. Partnership requires trust and mutual respect – needs time to establish. Partnership among people and not only between institutions. Learning experience is on-going process and time is needed to facilitate the process.
Discussion Caution: Service learning should not perpetuate negativity and oppressive beliefs, careful not to uphold “White privilege” Empowerment and not charitable element of service
Reflections of Pre-service teachers “…. I have been looking at children as troublesome but now I look at them as young children who are only trying to discover themselves.” ~ Joseph (Spring 2012)
Reflections of Pre-service teachers “ In this course, I have learned that topics of culture, identity and diversity must be handled with sensitivity, understanding and kindness.” ~ Stephanie (Spring 2012)
Reference Coffey, H. (2010). “They taught me”: The benefits of early community-based field experience in teacher education. Teacher and Teacher Education, Gollnick, D.M. & Chinn, P.C. (2002). Multicultural education in a pluralistic society (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. Holland, L. (2006). Teaching and learning in diversity classes: The significance of classroom climate and teacher credibility. Journal of Political Science Education, 2, Kraft, N. P. (2002). Teacher Research as a Way to Engage in Critical Reflection: a Case Study: Reflective Practice, 3(2) Sleeter, C. (2008). Equity, democracy, and neoliberal assaults on teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(8)
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