WELCOME TO OTTAWA! GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA Canada’s beautiful capital Warm greetings from Workshop Program Committee (Current) forecast: – Wednesday: High 22°C. 40% of afternoon showers – Thursday: High 22°C. 60% of afternoon/evening showers – Friday: High 23°C. Sunny
HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA Wi-Fi (free): – Connect to “Lord Elgin Hotel” – Passcode: “YORK” Washrooms: Out the door, to the right, up the stairs Meals: – All meals (breaks, lunches, dinners) included in registration – thanks to NSERC – Additional dinner tickets available for $50 each Mobiles: Please turn ringers off
EVENT LOCATIONS GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA Oral and moderated sessions: Pearson room Poster session: Pearson lobby Breaks and lunches: Pearson lobby / room Dinners: Ottawa Marriott Hotel; National Arts Centre Group photograph and Reception: Lord Elgin lobby
ORAL SESSIONS GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA 15 minute talk, followed by 5 minutes for Q and A Session chairs are reminded to stay on schedule Please use microphones for Q and A Laptop provided or use your own Presenters please load presentations before sessions Friday presenters load presentations by Thursday afternoon We request a publishable copy of presentations for USB drive distribution and web
MODERATED DISCUSSION SESSIONS (1/2) GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA Purpose is to have group discussions on specific topics leading to some consensus Sessions have been designed in particular order, culminating in “views” of near-term future Moderator will seed discussion and be referee, but not judge Session moderators are reminder to stay on schedule
MODERATED DISCUSSION SESSIONS (1/2) GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA Results will be used by Program Committee to prepare a post-workshop report Sessions will be audio recorded, but only to support report preparation, and NOT for distribution Aim is to encourage a free and open discussion of all relevant topics and all points of view
WHAT WILL MAKE A SUCCESSFUL WORKSHOP? GNSS PPP W ORKSHOP : R EACHING F ULL P OTENTIAL J UNE 2013, O TTAWA Answering even some of the many questions posed Leaving with your questions answered or considered Talking with each and every participant: Change seats! Be social! Developing new collaborations For Canadians, justifications for NSERC funding is to grow existing and develop new R&D collaborations Defining what PPP’s full potential will be and can it be realized