SEWEBAR - a Framework for Creating and Dissemination of Analytical Reports from Data Mining Jan Rauch, Milan Šimůnek University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
SEWEBAR2 SEWEBAR - a Framework for Creating and Dissemination of Analytical Reports from Data Mining Starting points Principles (as seen now) Simple examples First steps
SEWEBAR3 SEWEBAR – Starting points (1) Several similar mining problems a la STULONG: ADAMEK, TINITUS HEPATITIS, SOCIOLOGY, …: Cca attributes thousands of objects (usually patients) domain expert (non informatics) available some (this time relatively simple) background knowledge available Reasonable result form is a well structured analytical report that must be created stored retrieved disseminated used to answer more complex analytical questions
SEWEBAR4 SEWEBAR – Starting points (2) Some results concerning partial related projects Report assistant (it works) AR2NL (successful experiment) EverMiner (considerations) SEWEBAR (considerations) observational calculi Grants: LISp, Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Kontakt, CBI, ?? Students can contribute (4IZ460, 4IZ210, ? ) Dealing with knowledge and semantics „is in“ (see e.g. „10 Challenging problems in Data Mining Research“ -
SEWEBAR5 SEWEBAR – inspiration by Semantic Web (SEmantic WEB and Analytical Reports)
SEWEBAR6 SEWEBAR – Principles (1) There is a structured set of (types of) patterns of local analytical questions What strong relations ( *, *, …) are valid in given data? What strong known relations are not valid in given data? What exceptions from … are valid in given data? …. There are various items of background knowledge in easy understandable form Bier consumption BMI Mother hypertension + Hypertension , -, …. Application of the pattern of analytical question to a given item of background knowledge and to a given data matrix leads to a concrete analytical question.
SEWEBAR7 SEWEBAR – Principles (2) To each local analytical question there is type of local analytical report answering the question The concrete local analytical question can be answered by the GUHA procedures implemented in the LISP-Miner system The corresponding analytical report can be automatically created There is a similar structured set of patterns of global analytical questions (concerning several similar data matrices) that can be automatically answered on the basis of the local analytical reports
SEWEBAR8 SEWEBAR – Principles From local analytical question to analytical report
SEWEBAR9 SEWEBAR – simple examples Pattern of analytical question – mutual influence of attributes Pattern of analytical question – groups of attributes Answering „analytical question – groups of attributes“ by 4ft-Miner Analytical report
SEWEBAR10 SEWEBAR - a Framework for Creating and Dissemination of Analytical Reports from Data Mining Starting points Principles (as understood now) Simple examples First steps
SEWEBAR11 SEWEBAR – Principles for first steps To implement soon first version (simplified if necessary) of support for the whole process dealing with local and global analytical reports. The whole process covers: Formulation of reasonable local analytical questions using background knowledge Creation of analytical reports answering particular analytical questions Formulating and answering reasonable global analytical questions Use the first version to Gradually improve and enhance particular parts Develop corresponding theory using observational calculi
SEWEBAR12 Control panel – tool for first steps
SEWEBAR13 SEWEBAR – First steps (1) Background knowledge and local analytical questions: 1. We start with ADAMEK and STULONG data sets 2. Background knowledge – we use current version of Knowledge Base 3. To define first version of the set of LAQ - Local Analytical Questions 4. To implement LAQPA - Local Analytical Question Patterns Administrator 5. To implement LAQA - Local Analytical Questions Administrator
SEWEBAR14 SEWEBAR – First steps (3) Local analytical reports: 6. Enhancement of 4ft-Miner by filtering out of uninteresting rules 7. EverMiner modules 8. To define skelets of analytical reports 9. Generator of analytical reports
SEWEBAR15 SEWEBAR – First steps (4) Global analytical reports - implemented using ?Topic Maps Content management system? 9. To define rules for indexing analytical reports by Topic Maps 10. To implement tool for automated indexing analytical reports for Topic Maps 11. To define first version of a set of global analytical questions 12. To implement tool for automated answering global analytical reports 13. ??IGA grant??
SEWEBAR16 Thank you for your attention
SEWEBAR17 Thank you for your attention