Beef Cattle Introduction and Breeds Mr. Lemmons
Characteristics of the Beef Industry –Grain-fed Beef – most widely produced and tends to be less expensive. The cattle spend most of their lives eating grass in a pasture before moving to a feedlot where they are fed a high-energy, grain diet. –Grass-finished Beef – The cattle are raised on grass pastures.
Characteristics of the Beef Industry –Certified Organic Beef –must be fed 100% organic feed and these cattle can not be given hormones to promote growth or antibiotics. *If antibiotics are needed they are not withheld but the animal must be permanently removed from the program. –Natural/Branded Beef – By definition, most beef is natural. According to the USDA “natural” may be used on a beef label if the beef does not contain artificial flavoring, coloring, chemical preservatives or any other artificial or synthetic ingredient. Producers raising cattle for beef marketed with a “natural” label may follow different production practices in order to brand their beef.
Characteristics of the Beef Industry n Segmented Industry 1. Cow/ Calf- commercial and purebred. They are the dictators of what's to come. 2. Stocker- Ranchers graze weaned calves until they weigh as much as 900 pounds, and then market them to the feedlots 3. Feedlot - Raises calves until they weigh 900 to 1,400 pounds and market them to packer operations 4. Packer - “enemy,” Take feedlot cattle, grade them, sent out as boxed beef. 5. Purveyor- distributor 6. Retailer - HEB, Kroger, Randalls 7. Consumer- $5-6+/ lb
Characteristics of the Beef Industry n Cow/ Calf – Ranchers produce the cattle for the stocker market or feedlot (commercial operation) or other breeding herds (purebred operation) –Texas = 13.6 million (ranks #1, makes up 14% of the total US beef) –Kansas = 6.57 million –Nebraska = 6.35 million n Feedlot- 1. Texas 2.6 million 2. Kansas 2.2 million 3. Nebraska 2.2 million 4. Missouri 2.1 million
Characteristics of the Beef Industry
Breed Selection n 2 Main Factors –1. Genetics –2. Environment n Genetics –Determine advantages, disadvantages, then market ability. –Certified Angus Beef (50% Black, typical beef type, no floppy ear or hump larger than 4”, carcass avg choice or better, yield of 3 or better) n Environmental –Geographical environment, management env. And personal preference
Breed Selection n Production Criteria 1. Mature Size - will it fit the environment? Do not outgrow your environment. 2. Milk production - as milking ability increases, the nutritional requirements increase. (Ex. Simmental) 3. Muscle Amount - as we increase muscling, fertility rate decreases. (higher muscle results in distocia in males and females) 4. Sexual Maturity - age at puberty, when is the 1st ovulation 5. Management efficiency - easy keeper, foraging ability 6. Biological Specie- Bos Indicus vs. Bos Taurus
Bos Indicus vs. Bos Taurus n Bos Indicus –Humped Breeds Advantages –Heat resistant –resistant to parasites Disadvantages –less adaptable to cold –lower reproductive efficiency n Bos Taurus –Non Humped Breeds Advantages –Cold resistant –higher repro efficiency Disadvantages –heat tolerance low –susceptible to disease
Breed Selection n British/ English –Angus, Shorthorn, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford n European/ Continental –Simmental, Gelbvieh, Salers, Maine Anjou, Chianina, Pinzgauer n American –Brangus, Simbrah, Santa Gertrudis, Brahmousin, Beefmaster, Braford
Hybrid Vigor –The crossing of 2 totally different breeds. –We calculate HV to give us an idea of heritability of traits (such as markings, muscle, milk, reproduction) n F 1 have the most expression HV Calculating HV (ww of offspring - Average ww of parents)/ average ww of parents *100 = %HV WW ww= weaning weight (the weight at which an animal is taken off of the milk from mother)
Hybrid Vigor Example: Brahman Bull = 480 ww Hereford Cow = 500 ww F1 Calf = = 980/2 =490 ( )/490 * 100 = 7.14% 7%HV *If the ww of offspring is less than the wt. of the best parent- crossbreeding is pointless. *High weaning weight is a plus- for any specie!
Hybrid Vigor Example: >> Brahman Bull = 380 ww Angus Cow = 400 ww F1 Calf = 325 What is the % of HV?
English/ British Breeds
Angus n Originated in Scotland n Taurus n solid Black or red n Polled n Came to America in 1873 n resistant to harsh weather n Early maturing
Hereford n Originated n Originated in Hereford, England n Red n Red with white head, legs, and underline n Purebred n Early n Early maturing n Good n Good tempered n 1817 n 1817 Henry Clay
Shorthorn n Originated in England n Red; red & white or roan in color n Originally used as a dual purpose breed for meat and milk n Sometimes called the Durham breed
Simmental n Originated in Switzerland n Oldest breed of cattle in the world n Large, powerful breed n Brought to the United States in 1971 n AKA: Fleck
European Breeds
Gelbvieh n Originated in Germany n Red in color, gold to rust n Dual Purpose breed, milk and meat n adaptable to broad range in climate n 4 most numerous breed n Noted for superior fertility and mothering ability
Charolais n Originated in France n Traditionally white in color n Long bodied, large cattle n Heavily muscled n Coarse looking
Maine Anjou n Originated in Northwest France n Dark red with white markings or black n Developed by crossing the Durham and Mancelle breed n Bulls # n Name came from river valleys
Chianina n Originated in West Central Italy n One of the oldest breeds of cattle n Draft animals n Tallest and largest breed of beef cattle n Short hair that is white to steel gray, black n Terminal breed n high heat tolerance
Brahman n Originated in India n Able to survive on very little, poor feed n Insect & heat resistant n Excess skin and large hump on back n White to gray, red to black n Sweat glands
Pinzgauer n Originated in Europe n Red and white n Austrian name n good meat production n Certified Pinzgauers have a white top line and white bottom line
Salers n Originated in South Central France n Purebred n milk and meat n Typically Horned, polled red or black available. n Depicted in cave dwellings 7k yrs ago. n Survive in rough rocky terrain and harsh damp climates n major contributor to American meat market
Belgian Blue n Originated in Europe n Red and Black Pide with Shorthorn n Taurus n White, blue roan, some black, n Double muscled n Beef and milk n late maturing, mild temper
Limousin n Originated in South Central France n Indicus n Golden red n Sturdy and adaptable n Dual purpose meat and work n Butchers animal n Isolated breed, genetic interference is not a problem
American Breeds
Polled Hereford n Registered American Breed, Iowa 1901 n Red and White body, brisket and underside n Naturally horn-less n developed as an idea
Braford n Originated in Florida n 3/8 Brahman, 5/8 Hereford n White face with red body and red eye patches
Texas Longhorn n Developed entirely by nature in North America n Known for its long horns n High fertility n Were near extinction in 1927
Santa Gertrudis n Developed on the King Ranch in Texas n All Santa Gertrudis are descendants of the bull, “Monkey” n 3/8 Brahman bulls, 5/8 Shorthorn cows n hair is long in cold climates and short in hot climates n Feedlot efficient
Brahmousin n American n 3/8 Brahman, 5/8 Limousin n Purebred n Dark mahogany to light tan color n at least 1/4 Limousin And 1/4 Brahman to be recorded
Red Brangus n Originated in So. Texas n 3/8 Brahman, 5/8 Angus n developed in 30’s n Bulls breed till 10 yrs n Cows till 14 yrs
Simbrah n Developed in humid areas along the Gulf Coast n 3/8 Simmental, 5/8 Brahman n Known as “The All Purpose American Breed” n High fertility and Early maturing
Beefmaster n Originated Lasater Ranch, American n 1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Shorthorn, 1/2 Brahman n Brownish Red most common n 6 essentials –Weight –Conformation –Milking ability –Fertility –Hardiness –Disposition
Brangus n Originated in US 1932, USDA experiment station in LA. n 3/8 Brahman, 5/8 Angus n solid black, can be red n calves are large n adaptable to all climates n good mothering ability n good feedlot efficiency