Tuning SQL Server 2012 for SharePoint 2013 Jump Start 01 | Key SQL Server and SharePoint Server Integration Concepts (50 minutes) Dedicated Server or Instance; SQL Database & database files; ldf to mdf checkpoint process; Recovery model (Simple vs. Full) 02 | Best Practices: SQL Server Database Settings (50 minutes) Model Database; TempDB (Location); Initial size, Autogrowth, and Collation; Recovery model 03 | Server Settings for SQL Server (50 minutes) Default Database File Locations; Memory Settings; MAXDOP 04 | SQL Server and SharePoint Availability (50 minutes) Avoiding large log files; Backups and Location of Backups; SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn; Best Practices
.MDF.LDF Add Content Content Database Located on Hard Drive Checkpoint Data Simple Recovery Model
.LDF Data.MDF Add Content Content Database Located on Hard Drive Checkpoint Data Full Recovery Model (Recommended)
.mdf. ldf Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Full Backup Differential Backup Log DB_Name to D:\SQLBackups\TempBackup.Bak. ldf.mdf. ldf.mdf. ldf.mdf. ldf. mdf Backup Log DB_Name to D:\SQLBackups\Weekly_T_Log.Bak with INIT Lose.mdf file of database on Thursday at 4:00pm (2) (3) (1)(4)
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