Analysis Essay In February 1945, the United States military invaded Iwo Jima island, and won an epic battle for the strategically vital spot. Joe Rosenthal.


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Presentation transcript:

Analysis Essay In February 1945, the United States military invaded Iwo Jima island, and won an epic battle for the strategically vital spot. Joe Rosenthal took a photo of soldiers raising the flag on Mt. Suribachi as a symbol of victory. The country’s morale was at an all-time low because of the difficulties of the two-front war. This photo was credited with inspiring the nation to make a second push. In a clear five-paragraph essay, explain how Rosenthal manages to inspire such patriotism.

1 st View and Solo Work “Iwo Jima Flag” by Joe Rosenthal (February 23, 1945)

Subject (Focus) “Iwo Jima Flag” by Joe Rosenthal (February 23, 1945)

Setting “Iwo Jima Flag” by Joe Rosenthal (February 23, 1945)

Action “Iwo Jima Flag” by Joe Rosenthal (February 23, 1945)
