By: Kimberlee Neco and Syeda Haider. The United States had just taken the Marshall, the Marianas, and the Caroline Islands U.S. occupation of these islands.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Kimberlee Neco and Syeda Haider

The United States had just taken the Marshall, the Marianas, and the Caroline Islands U.S. occupation of these islands facilitated air raids as the islands provided launch/landing sites Following U.S. victory at the battles of Kwajalein and Eniwetok, approximately 1000 Japanese reinforcements were sent to Iwo Jima Iwo Jima was the last obstacle between America and the Japanese mainland; the Japanese were prepared to make their last stand here, while Americans were confident in their ability to obtain another victory.

22,000 Japanese troops under the command of Gen. Kuribayashi – could only defend the island 30,000 Marines under the command of General Smith – US had already been bombing Iwo Jima for 2 months Feb. 19 – Americans did not make much progress but cut the island in two Feb. 20 – Americans attacked Mt. Suribachi; three days later, took the mountain Americans lost 6,891 men, 18,070 wounded; out of the 22,000 Japanese soldiers, 212 were taken prisoner

Dir. by Clint Eastwood; starring Ryan Phillippe and Adam Beach In February 1945, the US Marines attacked the Japanese-held island of Iwo Jima Joe Rosenthal was responsible for capturing the picture of the raising of the American flag on top of Mount Suribachi The three survivors in the picture were brought home from the war to take on their role as “heros” All three had been dramatically traumatized by the violent fighting and all three find different meanings of the word "hero."

Dir. by Clint Eastwood; starring KAZUNARI NINOMIYA and Ken Watanabe The Imperial Japanese Army is desperate to prevent the island from falling to the Americans General Kuribayashi is given command of the Japanese forces on the island Kuribayashi, however, does not follow traditional rigid approaches As the Americans attack, both Kuribayashi and Saigo discover strength, honor, courage, and horros at "Sulphur Island."

Dir. by Allan Dwan, starring John Wayne and John Agar John Striker is a Sgt. who has been given the task of training young soldiers for the battle of Iwo Jima His trainees are frustrated with his harsh and strict routines until they finally understand why he trains them as such This movie shows the warring feelings and the bravery that soldiers face everyday

Letters from Iwo Jima  Lack of chaos/squalor in cities  Too clean, inaccurate representation of battles/cities  Assertion of “no support” false (kamikazes)  Mistakes in the customs of the period  Doesn’t explain true motives of Japanese defense of the island  Rewriting someone else’s history Flags of Our Fathers  Battles scenes/trench warfare more realistic  Actual flag raising was accurate (2 nd time)  Lack of minorities  American perspective

Sands of Iwo Jima  No enemy soldiers portrayed- bias  NO minorities  Battle scenes extremely unrealistic  Too clean; very little bloodshed  Facts mostly accurate (20,000 Japanese soldiers)

Letters from Iwo Jima has the most emotional impact because it shows universal humanity  Not only American flaws  Acknowledgement of the other’s humanity Flags of Our Fathers has a strong emotional impact due to it’s radical new views on the term “hero”  Society’s definition vs. a soldier’s Sands of Iwo Jima focuses more on the positive side of being a soldier  Although independent film, government propaganda is evident

Sands of Iwo Jima does not even acknowledge the Japanese side of war; not one scene of a Japanese soldier Flags of Our Fathers was solely based on the American perspective; created for this purpose unlike Sands Letters from Iwo Jima was created for the purpose of highlighting and depicting the Japanese perspective of the Battle of Iwo Jima; did not completely achieve goals of non-bias  American perspective still evident  Japanese soldiers still depicted as more animalistic  America is still “good” and shown in a idolized light