INTRODUCING HSE ST. PETERSBURG Professor Christopher Gerry 1 06 Dec National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Introduction Professor of Public Policy (Health Economics) Academic Director of HSE School of Social Sciences and Humanities – From September 2014 – Internationalization and Quality Assurance Previously: University College London (UCL) – 5 th in latest QS international rankings (2014) – An ‘internationalized’ university – With active involvement in BRICS
Overview 3 1 Background: Development Strategy 2 Research and Education Priorities 3 Internationalisation and the BRICS 4 Health Studies: Developing research area
HSE St. Petersburg: Model of Development 4 Middle-sized research, education, innovation university Scale Humanities, Social Science, Economics and Management, Applied Maths and IT Product Diversity Urban Studies, Diversity & Tolerance, Digital SS&H; Comparative & International studies Interdisciplinary Internationalisation: Hub for HSE International Civil Society, private and public sectors Stakeholders City; attraction and development of talent Key resources
HSE St. Petersburg: Centres of Research Excellence 5 URBAN DEVELOPMENT DIGITAL SOCIETY DIVERSITY AND TOLERANCE Spatial economics: cities — regions — international trade Strategic and International Management Modernization, social change and research of values Network Analysis/Social Networks Digital Social Research and Digital Humanities Youth Migration and Mobility Health Studies Nationalism — Religion — Empires
Education: Strategic Priorities 6 Education Model Major-Minor; Minors reflect areas of research excellence; Implementation of MOOCs; Tutors; Internationalization in Education QAE; Courses in English; International Accreditation and Expertise; Study Abroad; Development of Applied Skills Professional development certificate programmes; Career relevance Cross-cultural skills Study abroad/internship abroad; Minor in Regional Studies; Research projects in order to obtain cross-cultural skills.
Learning and Teaching at HSE 7 Education Unit School of Social Sciences and Humanities 887 Students School of Economics and Management 1311 Students Faculty of Law 550 Students Dpt. of Sociology Dpt. of Political Science Dpt. of Public Administration Dpt. Of History Dpt. of Asian and African Studies Dpt. of Foreign Languages Dpt. of Economics Dpt. of Management Dpt. of Finance Dpt. Of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Dpt. of Applied Math and Business Informatics Chair of Theory and History of State and Law Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law Chair of Financial Law Chair of Civil Law
Bachelor Programmes 8 EconomicsManagement Logistics and Supply-chain Management Law Public Administration SociologyHistory Political Science Asian and African Studies Philology (2015)
Master Programmes 9 Marketing Technologies Experience Economy (Event & Cultural Tourism) Strategic Management in Logistics Public Administration Management in Education Applied Economics (Math Methods, Spatial Economics) Applied HistoryPolitical Science Finance (Financial Management, Risk Management) Law
RNATIONALIZATION 1.Internationally recognized modern research university of excellence 2.St. Petersburg as the international hub of HSE 3. Strategic Priority of ‘internationalization’ 4.Existing partners and interactions (mobility and cooperation) International Strategy at HSE St. Petersburg
RNATIONALIZATION International Strategy at HSE St. Petersburg 1.International education in English language – MA and BA programmes / modules – Global perspectives, interdisciplinary, international themes 2.Quality Assurance and Enhancement – More than just accreditation – Internationally credible plan for QAE – Commitment to research lead learning and teaching
RNATIONALIZATION International Strategy at HSE St. Petersburg 3. Student mobility – Exchange arrangements – Fee paying students attracted to excellence of programmes/modules 4. Joint/Double programmes – International double degree programmes with leading global universities 5. Phd collaboration – Mobility of PhD students: globally
RNATIONALIZATION International Strategy at HSE St. Petersburg 1.HSE St. Petersburg as an international hub for global BRICS studies – Part of European HEA – Close connections with top global universities in UK and US 2.Intra-BRICS mobility – Students and staff moving within the network – BA, MA and PhD – Internships, projects, local impact, modules, short courses, doing stuff
RNATIONALIZATION International Strategy at HSE St. Petersburg 3.Associated partners of the BRICS network (BRICS +) – The BRICS network isn’t an alternative university grouping – It’s the centre, in which European and North American universities have a stake 4.An international BRICS Masters Degree? – ‘Erasmus Mundus’ style MA programme – Placing the BRICS network on the international stage – Internships / Projects (doing stuff) – Global mobility and citizenship – BRICS foundation plus themes/pathways? – Building on the start (
New/Developing Research Area 15 GLOBAL HEALTH STUDIES
HSE HEALTH: CURRENT STATUS Health in Russia Pure Sciences Limited Social Science Low priority ‘sector’ Also at HSE Now to catch-up
GLOBAL HEALTH EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Health Economics, health psychology, sociology of health, politics of health, epidemiology all booming areas in Western Europe, US and elsewhere Practitioners in these areas increasingly working together with medics, policy makers, other experts Universities increasingly recognising ‘Global Health’ as one of, if not the, key multidisciplinary challenge of the 21 st century ‘Health’ as rapidly growing field of international multidisciplinary research
GLOBAL HEALTH EDUCATION AND RESEARCH The reasons are obvious without looking too far from here. Cardiovascular disease External & violent causes
Ref: WHO. Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment (2005). Projected foregone income due to early mortality from heart disease, stroke and diabetes, 2005–2015 A very distinctive BRIC(S) story more generally
HSE HEALTH: LONG TERM GOALS To become an international centre for global health research and education (why not in Russia?) Placing health and well-being at the core of inter- and multi-disciplinary studies at HSE St Petersburg Addressing global, national and local health challenges through research and education Through international and multi-sectoral partnerships Being policy and practically relevant.
HSE HEALTH: Areas Education: Introduce health within existing modules and across different departments and schools Research: Build a multidisciplinary centre of health research, with international multi-sectoral partners Impact: Inform development of policy and practice in the public and private sectors
HSE HEALTH: Disciplines EconomicsSociologyPsychology EpidemiologyDemography Political Science Public Administration
HSE HEALTH: 4 research areas for new centre 1.Health Behaviours and interventions – Smoking, alcohol, obesity, drugs, STI, HIV 2.The mental health burden and suicide – Mental health represents a growing disease burden – Suicide biggest cause of mortality among males Comparative Health Reform – Russia, US, UK, Brazil, China, India, South Korea, South Africa all have or are undertaking major health reforms 4.Health inequalities – Access to and pathways through the health care system – Cultural interaction with the health system
Conclusion 24 HSE St. Petersburg has ambitious plan for development Including to become hub for internationalisation of HSE in Russia A natural academic and geographical home for BRICS research and studies BRICS cooperation in education and thematic research programmes has great potential Outward looking, spanning multiple disciplines and areas Including health!