Providing a glimpse into the center of our world.
Tectonic Plates Plates & Volcanoes Name the 7 major plates
Label a Volcano Using the labels given find the correct part. Check yourself on the next slide.
Parts of a Volcano
Classify Volcanoes CompositeCinderShield ActiveIntermittentDormantExtinct
Where are the Volcanoes? Count the total amount of active volcanoes.
The Ring of Fire Subduction zones Name the plate
Hawaii Hot spots Classify Mauna Loa & Kilauea
References Plate map and labeling diagram: World Book Encyclopedia Volcanoes Interfact Animated Volcano: Types of Volcano images: Total active volcanoes: NA total: Ring of Fire total: Country totals: SA Total: Ring of Fire Image: Hawaii image: PacificIslandPIERC.htm