Installing For Plugins and stuff…
Installing 2 phases: Download, then configure. 1. Download software onto web host. Log in using putty(windows) or ssh(Mac) ( and your cs username and password needed)
Installing Type in: cd www Then type: curl --proxy –O There is now a file in your www folder called latest.gar.gz
Installing Now we have to unpack the file so type: tar fxvz latest.tar.gz Then remove the compressed file rm latest.tar.gz Now Wordpress is installed but not configured…
Installing 2. Configure: Currently your homepage is: Change the name of the folder now if you want by typing: mv wordpress newname Go to the URL and click on the ‘Configure’ button You will need your mySQL details. You have these already except ‘Table Prefix’ (you can leave this alone).
Installing Click through until you get to the ‘Information Needed’ page – everything on this page is up to you. Click ‘Install’ Now when you log in you get a familiar interface BUT you can install plugins. You can also manually edit any of the css or php files in your www/wordpress folder.