1 CourseWorks and Sakai Update July 2005 (Version 1.1) Robert Cartolano Manager, Academic Technologies, Academic Information Systems Columbia University,
2 What is CourseWorks? is our campus-wide course management system, accessible anytime, anywhere, via a secure web connection. All users log in with their standard UNI account and password, and all courses and class rosters are pre–loaded to simplify use. Instructors: –Deliver and access online course materials and library reserves –Participate in online discussions with students –Send to students with ease and manage course mailing lists –Manage course projects, assignments, online tests, quizzes and grades –Copy and modify course content across semesters Students: –Retrieve course materials anytime, anywhere –Access online grade book for assignments, quizzes, exams –Communicate with faculty and fellow students via , discussions –Fill out online faculty surveys and course evaluations
3 CourseWorks Today Usage –Over 1,700 courses in Spring 2005 –21,000 users (2,000 instructors, 19,000 students) –Continued growth, including systematic adoption at school level –Morningside campus, Medical Center, Barnard Features customized for Columbia –Authentication, authorization, security –Administrator roles (ET, Help Desk, Libraries, schools, depts.) –Course, university, guest access –Program/Course Evaluation System (80,000 evaluations to date) –Shopping Period (open access specified at school level) –Learning Objectives (accreditation support for prof. Schools) –Extensive usage statistics (WebHound)
4 CourseWorks Fall 2005 SHARES - share content between courses, instructors, and semesters. Reduce “silo” effect of course data. Face book - visual roster for instructors Redesigned My Courses Page CourseWorks Course CourseWorks SHARES Institutional Repository Increasing permanence Copy from one course to next Permanent collection; curation,metadata. Create, modify, remove, re-use, share
5 Courseworks Future CourseWorks is built on Prometheus – open, extensible, Oracle database, stable, reliable, has scaled to meet campus needs, but… Prometheus is longer being actively developed, and course management systems are rapidly evolving. We will need a successor to Prometheus, but not right away.
6 What is Sakai? Community source development project: –U. Mich, Indiana U., MIT, Stanford –uPortal Consortium, OKI –Mellon, Hewlett funded –Sakai Project Board - Joseph Hardin, Chair Columbia is a member of Sakai Educational Partners Program (SEPP) along with 70+ schools –AcIS, AIS, CCNMTL jointly funding partnership Web site:
7 Why are we looking at Sakai? Sakai is open, extensible platform that supports customization, development, rapid advancement Matches most existing CourseWorks features Has desired features not found in CourseWorks Community Development Model (with our peers) Leverages existing standards
8 Sakai Timeline Now - Version 2.0 available –Grade Book (MIT, Berkeley) –Melete Simple Authoring Tool (DeAnza Foothil, Hewlett-funded) –Test & Quiz (Samigo Assessment Engine; Stanford, Indiana) –Syllabus (Indiana) –Sakai Framework and API –User Profiles –ePortfolios (OSPI Portfolio System, as add-onwww.theospi.org September 2005 –Four core schools using campus-wide –Over 20 pilots planned at other schools Spring Version 3.0 available
9 –Existing System –Functionality –Content –Users New System Functionality Content Users Migration Tools User Migration Outreach Awareness Training Transition Planning Multi-year transition Migration Scenario
10 AcIS Sakai Evaluation: Positive Results So Far Infrastructure – matches and in some cases exceeds Prometheus Features – Sakai has most Prometheus features, and several new ones Content – some course materials migrate easily
11 Sakai 1.5 Live Demonstration Current Columbia Sakai Implementation –UNI Login support –Secure (SSL) server running on standard AcIS Solaris server, Apache, Tomcat, Oracle DB, NetApp storage system –CourseWorks appearance and features
12 Sakai 1.5 Live Demo (cont’d) New features not found in Prometheus –Improved file access, including WebDAV –Calendar, linked to assignments, announcements –Inline Assignments –Chat, Presence –Customizable interface –Cross-platform Web Editing Tool
13 Course Migration AcIS Content Migration Tool - copies content from CourseWorks to Sakai courses (Intro, Syllabus, Class Files) Batch Load - pre-load all Registrar course information using same course numbering Manual export/import available and preferred by some schools (eg: University of Wisconsin)
14 Sakai Pilot, Fall 2005 Small pilot, under 20 courses, with evaluation and campus feedback Sakai 2.0 features and new capabilities Test infrastructure under some load Insight for potential larger Spring 2006 pilot and/or Fall 2006 production rollout.
15 Columbia Sakai Pilot Access via My Courses Page Use CourseWorks layout Pre-load course data Pre-load user data Prometheus SAKAI CourseWorks My Courses
16 Sakai as Platform More than CourseWorks… AcIS Systems and Network Infrastructure CourseWorks Teach, Learn Sakai Foundation System (Sakai Core + Columbia Core) Research Students, Alumni Dev Platform Content, Tools Admin Office Use
17 Sakai Uses Sakai SiteSakai Tool Sakai Dev Platform End User Custom Site/Service (SIS Portal, Epiville) Locally Written Tool Increasing Development, Complexity Easier, Standard Harder, Customized
18 Sakai Evaluation Next Steps Monitor Sakai Progress - software, governance, future funding model Evaluate results of Fall 2005 Pilot Determine top priorities –For use as CourseWorks platform –For non-course sites (research, admin, student) –As a development platform –uPortal integration
19 Closing Try out Columbia Sakai Test System Prepare for Fall 2005 Pilot Q & A