Writing a Bibliography Social Studies Ms. Gina
What is a bibliography? Bibliography is a list of sources (i.e. books, websites, etc.) used for a report. A bibliography gives proper credit for your sources of information. The bibliography goes at the end of your assignment. The title of this page should be Bibliography or Works Cited Note: There are many ways to format a bibliography. The following is how we will do so for this class.
How do you format a bibliography? A bibliography is written in alphabetical order. The first line in each entry is not indented and every line after is. There are different ways to list books and websites.
Listing a Book Author’s last name, author’s first name. (date of publication). Title (either underlined or in italics), publisher location: publisher name. Example: Williams, Juan (1998). Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary, New York: Three Rivers Press.
Listing a Website Author’s last name (if known), author’s first name (if known). (date of article publication), Title of website and article. URL. date of retrieval (when you got it from the Internet) Example: Fox, John (2007). Biography of Robes: Thurgood Marshall. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/robes_mars hall.html. February 3, 2015.
Listing a Video Name of Video. Video. Creator (Location), Date. Length. Example: Brown vs. the Board of Education. Video. Brainpop.com, (2015). 4 min., 12 sec.
Bibliography Brown vs. the Board of Education. Video. Brainpop.com, (2015). 4 min., 12 sec. Fox, John (2007). Biography of Robes: Thurgood Marshall. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/robes_ marshall.html. February 3, 2015. Williams, Juan (1998). Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary, New York: Three Rivers Press.