By Allison
Judy Moody is a young girl who is not famous. She is in elementary school in 3 rd grade. She is desperate to become famous because Jessica Finch, a girl in her class, just won a spelling bee.Judy has a cat named Mouse. Her mom and dad do not help very much.
Judy lives in a small house in a place with many friends. It is about the middle of the year. But Judy is not famous. Judy was busy looking for ways to be famous in her kitchen. When she saw it – A PET CONTEST ! One problem, it was happening right now! Judy grabbed her cat,Mouse, and was out the door.
When Judy got to the contest she pulled out a piece of bread and watched as a dog jumped through a hoop. Before she knew it, it was her turn next! She went on stage. My cat will make toast, she said. Before you know it, Mouse had made toast and they had won. However, when they snapped the picture it was only her elbow in the picture.OH NO !
Judy is not famous. but she has a plan to get famous. A human centipede! Judy gathered up her friends and started the centipede.But she stepped on her friends finger !’’OW OW ’’ he yelled !they rushed to the hospital ! In the waiting room there are many ugly dolls. Judy stuffed the dolls in her back pack when her mom came in ‘’his finger is broken ‘’she said’’. ‘’ OH NO ‘’Judy said as they went home.