Pre-workshop session Poitiers, july 1 st 2015 Pre-workshop session Poitiers, july 1 st 2015
1.Data files 2.Open a protocol 3.Environment and navigation 4.Pauses and fixations preview 5.Protocol description 6.Eye movement data: fixations, AOI 7.Data extraction – part 1 8.words separation and sequences 9.Data extraction – part 2 Data analysis July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
1. Data files.TAB Contains the original tablet (”pen”) data..EYE Contains the original eye tracking data (“eye”), if any..LOG ( script only ) Contains mains events recorded within the session. July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Log file example July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
2. Opening a protocol Start a new analysis Menu “File”, “new analysis”, then select a.TAB file (eye tracking data will be automatically loaded if it exists). Resume an analysis After a first analysis (saved), menu “File”, “re-open”, then select a.TWK file. July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Saving a protocol analysis generate new files:.TWKTablet data analysis.EWKEye tracking data analysis July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Let’s open a protocol July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
3. Environment and navigation Navigation tool for coding Information bar July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
3. Environment and navigation Toolbar Allows to replay the protocol ( movie-like, pause by pause, etc.) and create sequences. Information bar Gives additional informations (distance, speed, duration) on current events and a quick acces to change background picture. Tool for coding Give information on current Tab and EYE samples (pressure, coordinates, duration). Allows to “attach” a numeric value to each sample (code). e.g.: code 1 for between syllables and code 12 for pauses inside syllable. July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Navigation tools View or “dwell” in the data with several modes. To name a few : - Protocol replay (tunable replay speed) -Event by event (samples) - Pause by pause (e.g., to see inter-word pause duration) - Using the stopwatch July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Navigation tools July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
4. P review of pauses and fixations Preview as “circles” Cicle size is proportional to the event duration (pause/fixation). 4.2 Preview as “heatmap” Colors represents events duration (from cold to warm – more than 2 seconds). May be used to adjust eye tracking data location over handwriting. July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Preview as “heatmap” July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
5. Protocol description Statistics Global information -Pre-writing pause duration -Product duration (without pre-writing) -Last “up” pause duration Detailed informations -Durations (in ms) -Distances (in cm) -Speed (in cm/s) July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Graphs Pauses (UP/DOWN) and fixations Distribution of durations (in ms). Pen mouvements Speed histogram (in cm/s). Eye mouvements Speed histogram (in cm/s). Caracteristics Informations on devices used to record protocol (tablet / eyetracker). 5. Protocol description July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Create fixations A fixation is a construction Define AOI e.g.: if you create AOI around words, you may extract number of fixation per word, total duration of fixations, etc. 6. Eye movement data: fixations, AOI July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Test a massive data extraction: all events -> Gives a huge volume of data to sort (using a spreadsheet or a database) 7. Data extraction – part 1 July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France How can we filter data ? Question: what is the production duration of words ? 1. Set code “1” to the first TAB sample of the word, set code “2” to the last sample, set code “3” to the first sample of the next word, etc. 1_________2 3___________4 5___________ 6 7___________8 2. Menu Extraction | preferences | codes. set TAB codes to Set Eye Codes to Select menu Extraction | All events But This method does not allow to easily extract writing length, pauses inside words, etc. It is much more efficient to isolate words within sequences to get more data.
8. Word separation and sequences Word separation A semi-automated way to segment tablet data. “Tools”, “Word separation”, “New”… A sequence is a subpart of a protocol defined by time boundaries. July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Stage1: adjust detection parameters Set beginning and end time of the “segment” to consider (default is: whole protocol) Set horizontal and vertical margins around detected items. Items with ovelapping marings will be merged. Exclude small items ex: dot on “i” Test Word separation July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France The process involve two stages
Stage 2: manually modifiy items 1- Modify word by word: delete, insert, change time boundaries 2- add label(s). ex Grammatical category of each word, typo, etc. Word separation July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Options : - Code first and last TAB sample of each word - Code pauses between words - Create sequences from words - Create AOI from words Codes values set in File | Configuration | Analysis | Tools Sequences allows to extract data on specific parts of the protocol. e.g.: tracing dynamics for each word Word separation July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
now, saving your analysis may generate new files:.TWKTablet data analysis.EWKEye tracking data analysis.HSTAnalysis history.SEQSequences data.WDSWords separation data July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Set/check data extraction preferences before exporting data - General: overwrite or append to existing file - Range: whole protocol or only data within sequences -Data: which information to export (time, …) - Codes: filter on code values -Tracing dynamics: detail levels -AOI: grouped by AOI, or in time order 9. Data extraction - part 2 July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
Data extraction With sequences (Extraction / Preferences / range) -All events - pauses -tracing dynamics without pauses -tracing dynamics including pauses July 1 st 2015 Mshs, University of Poitiers, France
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