Multiplying With Exponents 5.NBT.A.2
7 × 50 =350 Here is 7 x 50.7 x 5 is equal to …35Here is one place-value holder.So, we also need one on this side of the equation.7 x 50 = 350 Multiplying With Exponents
70 × 7 =490 Here is 70 x 7.7 x 7 is equal to …49Here is one place-value holder.So, we also need one on this side of the equation.70 x 7 = 490 Multiplying With Exponents
50 × 70 =350 Here is 50 x 70.5 x 7 is equal to …35Here is one place-value holder …So, we need two place-value holders on this side of the equation.50 x 70 = 3,500 0 … and here is a second place-value holder., Multiplying With Exponents
300 × 6 =180 Here is 300 x 6.3 x 6 is equal to …18Here is one place-value holder …So, we need two place-value holders on this side of the equation.300 x 6 = 1,800 0 … and here is a second place-value holder., Multiplying With Exponents
4 × 800 =320 Here is 4 x x 8 is equal to …32Here is one place-value holder …So, we need two place-value holders on this side of the equation.4 x 800 = 3,200 0 … and here is a second place-value holder., Multiplying With Exponents
10 × 100 =100 Here is 10 x x 1 is equal to …10Here is one place-value holder …So, we need two place-value holders on this side of the equation.10 x 100 = 1,000 0 … and here is a second place-value holder., Multiplying With Exponents
10 3 ×= × Here is 10 x 10 x 10.Let’s count the 10s. There are one …two …three 10s.So, we can say that this is equal to 10 to the 3 rd power. Multiplying With Exponents
10 2 = × Here is 10 x 10.There are one …two 10s.So, we can say this is equal to 10 to the 2 nd power. Multiplying With Exponents
10 4 ×= × Here is 10 x 10 x 10 x 10.Let’s count the 10s. There are one …two …three …So, we can say this is equal to 10 to the 4 th power. 10× four 10s. Multiplying With Exponents
10 3 ×= × Here is 10 to the 3 rd power.The exponent 3 tells us that we will multiply the number 10 …one …two …three times. Multiplying With Exponents
10 4 ×= × × Here is 10 to the 4 th power.The exponent 4 tells us that we will multiply the number 10 …one …two …three …four times. Multiplying With Exponents
10 2 ×= Here is 10 to the 2 nd power.The exponent 2 tells us that we will multiply the number 10 …one …two times. Multiplying With Exponents
× 10 = = 10 2 We know that 10 x 10 = 100.We also know that 10 x 10 can be written as …… 10 to the 2 nd power.So, 100 can also be written as …… 10 to the 2 nd power. Multiplying With Exponents
1, × 10 × 10 = = 10 3 We know that 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000.We also know that 10 x 10 x 10 can be written as …… 10 to the 3 rd power.So, 1,000 can also be written as …… 10 to the 3 rd power. Multiplying With Exponents
1,000 × 100 =100, ×= 5 What is 1,000 x 100?100,0001,000 can be written as …… 10 to the 3 rd power.100 can be written as …… 10 to the 2 nd power.100,000 can be written as …… 10 to the 5 th power.What connection can you find between the exponents?3 + 2 = 5 Multiplying With Exponents
1,000 × 1,000 =1,000, ×= 6 What is 1,000 x 1,000?1,000,0001,000 can be written as …… 10 to the 3 rd power.This 1,000 can also be written as …… 10 to the 3 rd power.1,000,000 can be written as …… 10 to the 6 th power.What connection can you find between the exponents?3 + 3 = 6 Multiplying With Exponents
Lightning Round
×= 7 Multiplying With Exponents
× = 6 ? Multiplying With Exponents
×= 8 ? Multiplying With Exponents
×= 4 Multiplying With Exponents
Closing Question Multiplying With Exponents
×= 9 ? Multiplying With Exponents