Bureau of Indian Standards Product Certification in Developing Countries- Indian Perspective
Bureau of Indian Standards Independent proof of compliance to prescribed Standards Objective mechanism for acceptance of goods & services in foreign trade, especially in MRAs Basis for compliance to Technical regulations Confidence Building through use of International Standards & Guides such as Guide 65, Guide 62, ISO 17025, ISO Relevance of Certification
Bureau of Indian Standards Manufacturers –Improvement & consistency in quality. –Customer confidence and wider markets Organized Purchasers –Confidence in integrity of a product. –Reduction in costly testing and inspection Common Consumer –Brand oriented selection, confidence in the purchase. National Level –Protection of consumer and environment –Improved public purchases and optimum overall economy. International Level –Facilitation of international trade, mutual recognition and acceptance. Costly testing and inspection avoided. Benefits of Certification
Bureau of Indian Standards Recognition of a conformity mark means three preconditions being met –Competence of the conformity assessment body –Visibility of the mark of conformity (people know what it means) –Credibility of the mark of conformity (people believe the results of the assessment are relevant and valid) Product certification
Bureau of Indian Standards INDIA – REGULATORY AGENCIES IMPORTANT AGENCIES INVOLVED IN QUALITY REGULATION Directorate General of Health ServicesPFA Ministry of Food Processing IndustryFPO Department of Industrial Policy & PromotionBIS & EC Acts Directorate of Marketing and Inspection AGMARK Department of Agriculture & CooperationPlant Quarantine Department of Animal Husbandry & DairyingMMPO Department of Legal MetrologyWeights & Measures Act Bureau of Energy EfficiencyEnergy Conservation Act Chief Controller of ExplosivesIndian Explosives Act Directorate General of Mines SafetyCoal Mines Regulations Ministry for Road TransportCMVR Central Pollution Control Board
Bureau of Indian Standards Product certification Schemes –General Products domestic certification –Certification schemes for foreign manufacturers and Indian importers. –Hallmarking of gold jewellery. –Eco-mark Management System Certification Schemes –Quality system certification including HACCP. –Environment management system certification. –Occupational Health & Safety BIS Certification activities
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS Product certification Started in 1955 Self-supporting Scheme Operated under an Act of Parliament Basically voluntary in nature (akin to world practices) Central Govt. (Not BIS) can make Mandatory where human health and safety are involved. Products under certification - ~ 1200 Under Mandatory Certification-109
Bureau of Indian Standards HQ – Delhi 5 Regional Offices 33 Branch Offices 5 Inspection Offices 8 Labs
Bureau of Indian Standards PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ISO TYPE 5 SCHEME Modeled on ISO Guide 28 Conforms to ISO Guide 65 Voluntary Scheme Almost 1200 Products
Bureau of Indian Standards Application - Scrutiny and registration Preliminary Factory evaluation Testing of samples - In factory and laboratories Grant of licence Surveillance –Periodic factory visits –Factory sample testing –Market sample testing Annual Review of licence –Renewal –Expiry/cancellation Certification Process
Bureau of Indian Standards 109 Products Food Colours & Food Additives Cement Gas Cylinders Electrical Appliances Infant Milk Products Pressure Stoves Steel Tubes Miners’ Safety Equipment Packaged Drinking Water and Natural Mineral Water Thermometers Mandatory Certification
Bureau of Indian Standards LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK BIS ACT 1986 Section 10General Powers Section 11, 12 Violations: Misuse of ISI Mark etc Section 14Powers for Mandatory Certification Section 15Powers to grant / cancel licence etc Section 25Powers to appoint Inspecting Officers Section 26Powers to conduct search & seizure Section 33Penalties for violations BIS Rules 1987 Rule 9Establishment of Standard Mark Rules 20, 21Appointment & Powers of Inspecting Officers Rule 12Powers to conduct inspections BIS (Certification) Regulations, 1988
Bureau of Indian Standards Product certification BIS Standard Mark
Bureau of Indian Standards Importance of Conformity Assessment is realized by the fact that TBT Agreement devotes four articles to CA arrangements The main spirit being that CAPs are not prepared, adopted and applied with a view to or with the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles to International trade Are notified to other members when not in line with international guides Of other members are accepted even when procedures are different provided they offer an assurance of conformity equivalent to their own Conformity Assessment & TBT
Bureau of Indian Standards Possible approaches –Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA)s between certifiers –Multilateral Recognition between certifiers –International Accreditation of certifiers Objective : One Stop Assessment --- Accepted World wide Acceptance of CAPs ?
Bureau of Indian Standards Developing countries’ Dilemma –Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA)s between certifiers – Limited recognition, new arrangement every time –Multilateral Recognition between certifiers – Costly, time consuming, involves socio-political concerns –International Accreditation of certifiers– Ideal, but difficult to conclude due to difference in adopted procedures, availability of resources and condescending approach of developed countries Acceptance of CAPs ?
Bureau of Indian Standards Voluntary –Operates in free market conditions –Tests the real strength of the Scheme and the certifier –Businesses implement voluntary standards as a strategic planning and marketing tool –Reliability levels are high Mandatory –To regulate quality for domestic consumption –Unwilling industry segments resort to violations –Need for enforcement/policing –Additional manpower resources are required Certification – Voluntary or Mandatory ?
Bureau of Indian Standards Developing countries’ Dilemma To use or not, the mandatory Certification Scheme especially to regulate quality in critical sectors when other measures prove ineffective Prevent substandard imports Protect domestic industry Certification – Voluntary or Mandatory ?
Bureau of Indian Standards Diversion of scarce Technical manpower from core areas to regulatory functions : Enforcement raids Legal follow up Negligible support from Enforcement Agencies shifts primary responsibility to NCB Possibility of Public criticism Increased pressure on NCB to protect Brand image of Certification Mark How it has affects NCBs MANDATORY CERTIFICATION
Bureau of Indian Standards ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES Make regulatory bodies responsible for enforcement under their respective acts NCBs should propagate compliance of standards through their voluntary certification schemes Encourage government purchasing with Product certification, wherever available Governments should identify products in critical fields of health, safety and environment sectors for mandatory compliance in a phased manner Amend Consumer protection Legislations to enable governments to notify mandatory compliance to National standards Enhance Penalties for violations as a deterrent
Bureau of Indian Standards Merci Danke gut Thank you Dhanyavad