Michaela Murphy & Tamara Nguyen GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER
A Case Study for General Anxiety Viktor was 'normal' until he contracted pneumonia and was hospitalized. Once stabilized, the doctor remarked, "You're lucky to be alive right now." He started experiencing weakness, dizziness, and heart weakness. He was rushed to the emergency room because he claimed he was having a heart attack. He suffered from sleep deprivation because he feared he'd have a heart attack in his sleep and never wake up. He didn't go far- felt safest at home. A family friend suggested it was GAD. All the symptoms seemed to fit and he was diagnosed with GAD.
What is General Anxiety Disorder? This disorder starts slowly. People with GAD worry about many things, even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. At times, worrying keeps people with GAD from doing everyday tasks. Symptoms often include: Worry very much about everyday things Not being able to relax Insomnia and sleep related problems Trembling or twitching Having to use the restroom a lot Hard time concentrating Headaches and other aches Having a hard time swallowing Being easily startled And more.
Theories of Develpment Can sometimes run in the family, but not a for sure connection Certain parts of the brain that are involved in fear and anxiety are being researched Also looking at factors involving stress and environment that may play a role Neurotransmitters affected include: GABA, serotonin, development of conditioned fears by dopamine-1 receptors in the amygdala
Treatment of General Anxiety Disorder Psychotherapy changes thinking, behaving, and reacting in certain situations Medication Anti-anxiety: powerful and usually work right away. Different types. Anti-Depressants: may take several weeks to work. Can cause difficultly sleeping, headaches, and nausea. Anti-Depressants are labeled as a "blacl box"; They have unpredictable results on certain people Some people better with therapy and others with medication - it depends.
Some Fun facts about GAD Sigmund Freud, a very famous psychiatrist, had GAD. Abraham Lincoln, one of our most beloved presidents, also had it. GAD affects women more than men. In the course of a year, GAD affects approximately 4 million Americans. GAD often coexists with depression, substance abuse, and other anxiety disorders.
Sources used: disorder-gad/ &cn=1 placebo/anxiety2.html