Key Themes Brasilidade Immigration & “Whitening” Coffee plantation economy Role of President Vargas Race & Slavery
Images of Brazil 1549 = Paradise on Earth 16 th century = Site of cannibalism 17 th century = Awareness of racial inequality 19 th century = Scientific wonderland 20 th Century = World connections 1970s = “Awakening Giant” & “Brazilian Miracle” 1980s = 2 Brazils in 1 nation
Brazil’s Independence 1808 = Queen Maria & Prince João escape Napoleon’s invasion 1820 = Military demand abdication of King João 1822 – 1889 = Monarchy under Emperor Pedro I & Emperor Pedro II Dom Pedro II
Why a republic in 1889? Abolition of slavery (1888) Alienation of the plantocracy
The Old Republic/Era of the Oligarchies, 1889 – 1930 Favoritism Corruption 1891 = New Federal Constitution Coup d’etat of Vargas & end of Old Republic (1930)
The Getùlio Vargas Revolution First era = 1930 – = Estado Novo dictatorship began Second era = 1951 – 1954 Built a strong national government “Father of the Poor”
The Estado Novo, 1930 – 1945
The Populist Era, 1945 – 1964 Vargas forced out (1945) Vargas elected president (1951 – 1954) Vargas’ suicide (1954) Military coup deposes President Goulart (1964)
Authoritarian Regime, 1964 – 1985 Military government
Era of “Nova Repùblica,” 1985 – present
Plantation Economy & Race Brazilwood, sugar, coffee Dependent upon imported goods Rigid racial & social hierarchy
“Gold Cycle,” 1690 – 1750 Late 17 th century – early 18 th century = Gold mining Minas Gerais Demographic shift
King Coffee, 1840s – s = “Coffee paid for everything” Destruction of rainforest Social wealth model from sugar 1860s – 1870s = Immigrant labor 1928 = Coffee “bust”
Afro-Brazilian Slavery 1492 – 1850 = Almost 10 million slaves sent to Brazil Gradual Abolition Quieroz Law of = Law of Free Womb 1880s = Abolitionist movement 1886 = Whipping of slaves outlawed 1888 = Full abolition
Slave Population 1873 = 1,566, = 1,346, = 1,133, = 723, 419
Immigration 1827 – 1930 = 3.8 million immigrants from Europe & Japan arrive in Brazil 1897 – 1930 = 35% of immigrants were Italian, 29% were Portuguese 1884 – 1970 = 248,400 Japanese move to Brazil Brasilidade & “Whitening”
Experiments 1820s = Recruitment of German-speaking Austrians to colonize as middle-class farmers 1860s = Recruitment of Chinese immigrants
1940 & Brasilidade 1940 = Claims of “white nation” status 1940 = 63.5% white, 14.6 % Black,.6% “yellow,” 21.2% “Pardo” Why? Vargas, samba, & soccer Estado Novo attitude about race
Movimento Negro Mid-1970s Why the name? Ebony magazine
Popular Religion Popular Catholicism Umbanda = Fastest growing religion in 1950s & 1960s Bantu speakers in Rio Candomblè
Pentacostalism Rio de Janeiro = 61% of churches are Pentacostal 1906 = Started in Los Angeles by William Seymour 1970s & 1980s = Gains strength in Brazil Speaking in tongues Why the attraction?