What Are The Different Types of Joints?
North Carolina Science Competency Goal and Objectives Third Grade: Competency Goal 4: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate technology to build an understanding of the form and function of the skeleton and muscle system of the human body. Objective 4.03: Describe the functions of different types of joints: Hinge Ball and Socket Gliding
Joints Occur where two or more bones meet Make the skeleton flexible Without them movement would be impossible Types of Joints: Hinge Ball-and-Socket Gliding
Hinge Joint Allows back-and-forth movement Found in the elbow, knees, fingers, and toes
Ball-and-Socket Joint The bones rotate and move back and forth and side-to-side Allows the greatest range of motion Found in the hips and shoulders
Gliding Joint Allows small bones to slide gently over one another Found in the wrists and ankles
Finding Joints On Our Body Everyone stand up!!! Hold out one arm, palm up Move your hand towards yourself What Joint is this?? Hinge Joint
Finding Joints On Out Body Hold out one of your arms Move it in different directions such as up, down, left, right, and in a full circle What Joint is this?? Ball-and-Socket Joint
Finding Joints On Our Body Hold one arm out Put your other hand directly above your other wrist. Move your wrist right and left, and up and down. What Joint is this?? Gliding Joint
Joints Recap What are the three types of joints: Gliding Hinge Ball-and-Socket Where are the joints located on your body? Wrists and ankles-----Gliding Joints Hips and shoulders-----Ball-and-Socket Joints Elbows, knees, fingers, and toes-----Hinge Joints