Sobek for Curators and Collection Managers Training Four: Curator Tools and Outreach Laurie Taylor, Mark Sullivan, and John Nemmers December 2013 University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries Sobek image created by Jeff Dahl and is shared under the GNU Public License
Sobek for Curators and Collection Managers Training Series 1. Introduction to SobekCM's Capabilities – Submitting and Editing Resource Files and Metadata – Recording will be made available soon
Sobek for Curators and Collection Managers Training Series 3. QC Online and Serial Hierarchy – Webinars Friday, December 13 th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 4. Curator Tools – Thursday, December 12 th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, LW 211 – Webinars Tuesday, December 17 th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Thursday, December 19 th, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Overview This is an introduction to the curator and collection manager tools, including how to manage the collection online, edit home pages, change images, add child pages or collections, and generally control the look, feel, and behavior of your online collection. This will discuss the tools as part of integrated digital and physical collection management, outreach, evaluation, and other Curator and Collection Manager activities.
Agenda 1.Introduction to the SobekCM curator and collection manager tools 2.Production management using the SobekCM curator and collection manager tools 3.Using the SobekCM Curator Tools for Holistic Collection Management Concerns 4.Tools and More: Considerations for Digital Collections and Curator and Collection Manager activities
Introduction to Curator and Collection Manager Tools
Introduction to Tools Managing the collection online: – Review of tools and features for specific needs and changes: how to edit home pages, change images, add child pages or collections, etc. – Overall review for generally controlling the look, feel, and behavior of your online collection
Production Management
Production management using the SobekCM curator and collection manager tools – Private Items – Item Count (with items in each area) – Printing tracking sheets
Using the Tools for Holistic Collection Management Concerns
Using the Tools… Using the SobekCM Curator Tools for Overall Collection Management Concerns: – Using the tools for integrated digital and physical collection management – Using SobekCM and the curator tools in outreach, promotion and evaluation (e.g., using usage statistics, the new item RSS feed, and the new items list to create outreach materials and assess current levels for establishing evaluation criteria)
Tools and More: Considerations for Digital Collections and Curator and Collection Manager activities
Tools and More… Considerations and opportunities with digital collections. The care and feeding of your digital collection.
Tools and More… Digital Scholarship and New Collaborative Opportunities: Definition of DH Endorsing students, scholars, and other collaborators and colleagues for rights to your collections Staying connected with the SobekCM User Group Exhibits and Digital Collections Creating New Digital Collections (Aggregations) Thematic Collections (Curated Digital Collections & Digital Scholarship Projects) Supporting internships Data Curation
Tools and More… Embedding Digital Collections and Items in Courses: Live instructional sessions Online courses by UF students (primarily in residence in Gainesville) UF Online (completely online, no residential or in person classes)
Tools and More… Promotion and Outreach: Promotional planning for a full plan Promoting new projects, new items, and milestones with ongoing activities Webinars on digital collections (template slides/structure available)
Tools and More… Production/Curation concerns: Born-Digital Harvesting & Ingest Collection Management with Mixed Physical & Digital Collections Connecting your collections with relevant materials in the (e.g., theses and dissertations, etc.) Tracking sheets online
Tools and More… Putting it all together for innovative, transformative, and/or simply easier ways of working: Possible Next Steps, Possible Needs: Example: are other trainings wanted, perhaps on digital collection project management (and project portfolio management)
FOR MORE INFO: Contacts: Mark Sullivan ( ) Laurie Taylor ( ) John Nemmers ( ) SobekCM Discussion Group: #!forum/sobekcm-discuss These slides and webinars: #!forum/sobekcm-discuss