Test Preparation, Test Taking Strategies, and Test Anxiety PASS 0900
Before the Test Spread studying over several days Ask instructor what to expect Make a list of what is to be studied for the test Use review material in book Review by yourself or with other students Don’t cram at the last minute
Before the Test Get a good nights sleep Eat something light before the test Wear comfortable clothes, wear layers in case the room is too hot or cold Arrive early to get a seat and not be rushed Do not talk to other students while waiting for the test, prepare your mind to concentrate
During the Test Use relaxation techniques, remain calm Pay attention to verbal and written directions Notice how many points each part of the test is worth Estimate how much time you will need for each section Jot down memory aids in the margins
During the Test Answer easiest, shortest questions first Mark difficult questions and return to them later Use context clues Pace yourself, if stuck on a question, move on Use all time allowed! Check your answers before turning in the test Don’t Panic!!
Essay Questions Read through the entire question Watch for key words: describe, compare, contrast, analyze Develop an outline, organize your ideas Your opening statement should summarize your essay In your final paragraph summarize and draw your conclusion Proofread answers for errors
Multiple-Choice Questions Watch for tricky wording and similar answers Read the question and all answer options before choosing your answer Cross off answers you know are wrong If you don’t know the answer, move on to other questions, they might trigger the answer. Answer all questions unless there is a penalty for guessing
Matching Questions See if there is an equal number of items Match what you know first Cross off information that is already used (unless some can be used twice) Use the process of elimination for answers you might not know Leave NOTHING blank!
Short-Answer/Fill–in-the-Blank Questions The length of the blank does not always correspond to the length of the answer. Look for key words in the sentence that may trigger a response. Read the entire sentence to see if the answer you placed in the blank makes sense. Leave NOTHING blank!
True-False Questions Remember that if any part of a statement is false, the entire statement is false. Read each question carefully, some may be tricky, especially cases of “always” and “never”. If unsure about an answer, look over other questions on the test for context clues. Leave NOTHING blank!
Symptoms of Test Anxiety Unable to concentrate Easily distracted Fidgeting “Butterflies” Sweaty palms, headache, nausea Increased heart rate Tensed muscles
Tips for Avoiding Test Anxiety Arrive at the test as prepared as you can be Answer questions you feel confident on first Think positively and focus your energy on the test Do not compete with others, just do your best Remember it is just one test; tests do not measure your self-worth. Use relaxation techniques
After the Test Reward yourself! RELAX!! Learn from the exam, search for a pattern in your errors. Make sure you go back and learn material you missed; it will probably be on the midterm or final exam. See your professor if you need additional help in some areas.