eLearning Frameworks: What, Why and Who, Where & When Daniel Rehak, Learning Systems Architecture Lab, USA Kerry Blinco, Dept. Education Science and Training, Australia Yuri Daschko, Industry Canada
eLearning Frameworks: What
eLearning Landscape Arrow Frodo LAMS CDLS OKI Learning Federation OCW Sakai SCORM Merlot NSDL Edusource CORDRA Prolearn Celebrate Universal ARIADNE Jorum IESR
Tools, Standards & Systems
Handle data and metadata Collection Service Handle System Wholesale Metadata Collection Handle dataMetadata Other Data Services VARs Indexes Filters Queries Publisher 1 Publisher 3 Publisher 2 Publisher n Tools, Standards & Systems
Data Layer Common Services Collaboration Service Event Management Service Reporting Service User Management Service Learning Services Learning Content Management Service Learning Management Service Assessment Management Service Learning Administration Service Learning Content Metadata Learning Object Repository Learning Interaction Data Assessment Data Administration Data Portal
Tools, Standards & Systems Secure Digital Object Environment Extensible Services Identifier Disseminator Identifier Type Signature Type Signature Signature API Servlet API Services API Servlet Attachments Disseminations Requests Results Repository Services Servlet Attachments Data Element Disseminations Requests Results
Tools, Standards & Systems
Administers Used in Organized in Composed into ControlsOrganizes Controls Provides Manages Produced into Defines Described by Defines Registered in Utilizes Managed by Archive Ingested into Controls Objects Formats Metadata Standards Digitization Formatting Digital Objects Composite Objects Collections KOS Metadata Registries Systems Services Procedure Mgmt Process KOS Standards Registration Specifications Service Process Specs Digital Preservation Specs Resources Registered in Managed by Mgmt Process Spec
Tools, Standards & Systems
Coding and Format StandardsUnique identifier Systems Digitization specifications Metadata on content objects Collection metadata Open Description of KOS Open mgmt mechanisms specifications Open services specifications Open Standard Development Mechanism Telecommunication standards infrastructure Digital item specifications Common Support Mechanism Cross-domain Open Interoperability
Tools, Standards & Systems
Course MgmtContent MgmtAssessment AuthN Etc… GUIDFileDBMSAuthZRules User Messaging LoggingEtc… Common Objects Educational Component APIs Common Service APIs Educational Service Implementations Common Service Implementations Educational Software “LMS” Institutional Infrastructure
Tools, Standards & Systems
What do we call it? design framework architecture systemapplication profile reference model pattern artifact abstraction representation model driven
What we have is: “interoperability” packaging metadata learning design repositories sequencing cmi resource lists profiles competencies assessment web services learner records accessibility harvest vocabulary tools query osid
What we don’t have is: “INTEROPERABILITY” repositories digital libraries vle lms/lcms collaboration portal elearning escience grid performance support simulation tutors administration
What we really don’t have is: a way to describe and talk about tools and systems a way to integrate diverse tools and systems a common understanding of what we have done a path forward to work on systems
eLearning Framework
ELF: An eLearning Framework
eLearning Framework: Why Supports diversity Technological Pedagogical Strategy independence Supports flexibility Modular flexible technology base Adaptability to changing business needs Faster response to community needs Staged adoption/implementation Technical benefits
eLearning Framework: Why Not just for the “techies” Communication Coherent vision of complex space Communicates technical policy Communicates domain view to other domains Policy support Supports collaboration, shows appropriate roles Supports strategic decision making and reporting “Framework” for supporting activities, standards, toolkit development, research etc Allows experimentation with different development strategies and partnerships
eLearning Framework: Why International Costs involved in developing too high for one country Opportunity to leverage expertise Opportunity to leverage political will Best opportunity to develop international interoperable systems Need systems interoperability in order to garner full benefit of the web
eLearning Frameworks: Who, Where & When International Currently involved, JISC, DEST (Australia), Industry Canada, LSAL Bulk of funding from JISC and DEST Nationally Officials and practitioners NOW!
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