"Secure Wall" High Security Fence System * Patent Pending * Created and Fabricated by: South Lyon Fence Co., Inc.
Today’s market demands a cost effective solution to a familiar problem ……THEFT and SECURITY With poor economic times and high dollar returns on scrap metal, the days of standard chain link fence security are coming to an end. With poor economic times and high dollar returns on scrap metal, the days of standard chain link fence security are coming to an end.
Existing Chain Link Fence Systems Using commercial grade chain link with barb wire is posing little or no security to would be thieves with an inexpensive pair of bolt cutters. Using commercial grade chain link with barb wire is posing little or no security to would be thieves with an inexpensive pair of bolt cutters.
Existing Chain Link Fence System Standard chain link fence systems are constructed using nuts and bolts, which allows the fence to be disassembled with common tools. Most of your stations are un-manned, and tucked out of sight, allowing the time needed by thieves to cut through and gain access. Standard chain link fence systems are constructed using nuts and bolts, which allows the fence to be disassembled with common tools. Most of your stations are un-manned, and tucked out of sight, allowing the time needed by thieves to cut through and gain access.
SOLUTION Our goal at South Lyon Fence was to design a fastener free, impenetrable fence. It needed to be constructed of readily available galvanized materials that would require minimal maintenance once assembled….. Our solution….. Our goal at South Lyon Fence was to design a fastener free, impenetrable fence. It needed to be constructed of readily available galvanized materials that would require minimal maintenance once assembled….. Our solution….. The “Secure Wall” * Patent Pending *
Considerations for Design 1. Penetration – We wanted to find a material that could not be cut with bolt cutters or disassembled with common tools. (There are no fasteners on this fence) 1. Penetration – We wanted to find a material that could not be cut with bolt cutters or disassembled with common tools. (There are no fasteners on this fence) 2. Non-Climb – Top of fence is secured by adding Barb Wire and Razor Ribbon. 2. Non-Climb – Top of fence is secured by adding Barb Wire and Razor Ribbon. 3. Visibility – First line of defense against intruders is to have them stop and ponder the unexpected of what might be behind the wall. 3. Visibility – First line of defense against intruders is to have them stop and ponder the unexpected of what might be behind the wall.
Considerations continued 4. Appearance – Material can be painted or left galvanized. 4. Appearance – Material can be painted or left galvanized. 5. Cost – Very economical compared to pre-fabricated walls or masonry walls. 5. Cost – Very economical compared to pre-fabricated walls or masonry walls. 6. Gate Compatible – The existing auto slide and swing gates can be retrofitted with the new "Secure Wall" System. 6. Gate Compatible – The existing auto slide and swing gates can be retrofitted with the new "Secure Wall" System.
"Secure Wall" Installation With this application, the existing perimeter fence can be left in place as a first line of defense or removed and replaced completely. With this application, the existing perimeter fence can be left in place as a first line of defense or removed and replaced completely.
Post Installation As a standard, the post are 3” square or round galvanized steel. As a standard, the post are 3” square or round galvanized steel. All post are to be set in concrete footings. All post are to be set in concrete footings. The post spacing is determined by the height of the fence. (ex. 10’ high = 5’ on center) The post spacing is determined by the height of the fence. (ex. 10’ high = 5’ on center)
Rail Installation Once the posts are set and level, the next step is to weld the rails to the post. After experimenting with several applications, we have found that the square rails can easily be welded to existing round post without sacrificing the stability of the Fence. Once the posts are set and level, the next step is to weld the rails to the post. After experimenting with several applications, we have found that the square rails can easily be welded to existing round post without sacrificing the stability of the Fence.
16 Ga. Panel Installation The panels are made of 16 Ga. galvanized steel. The 4” Boxed Ribbed style panel offers superior strength and a pleasing look to the wall when painted or left galvanized. The panels overlap and are welded together as one solid wall, which are then welded to the rails. The panels are made of 16 Ga. galvanized steel. The 4” Boxed Ribbed style panel offers superior strength and a pleasing look to the wall when painted or left galvanized. The panels overlap and are welded together as one solid wall, which are then welded to the rails.
Welded Complete - No Fasteners The assembly of the "Secure Wall" is 100% welded in construction. This system has no nuts and bolts to be disassembled, making common tools no match for the "Secure Wall". The assembly of the "Secure Wall" is 100% welded in construction. This system has no nuts and bolts to be disassembled, making common tools no match for the "Secure Wall".
Special Barb Arms Special barb wire arms are fabricated to fit inside the tops of the post. The barb arms are welded on to the post for added security and stability. Special barb wire arms are fabricated to fit inside the tops of the post. The barb arms are welded on to the post for added security and stability.
Security System Adaptive By constructing the first rail 8” below the top of the panel a channel is created which can protect security wires from being cut from the outside. By constructing the first rail 8” below the top of the panel a channel is created which can protect security wires from being cut from the outside.
Interior Finished
Finished Product
Interior Finish
Finished Product
Interior Finished
Before “Secure Wall” * Patent Pending * The dumpsters shown here act as great cover for would be thieves to canvas the property without the worry of being seen by security. The dumpsters shown here act as great cover for would be thieves to canvas the property without the worry of being seen by security.
Exterior view Exterior view "Secure Wall" eliminates visibility into the station, therefore this eliminates the canvassing of potential targets of opportunity.
Exterior view
100% Successful The first installation of the “Secure Wall” was complete March of The addition of “Secure Wall” system has eliminated the break ins around the perimeter of this utility service center and has reduced loses due to theft to zero. The customer has stated ‘the “Secure Wall” system has made working conditions inside this utility station a much safer place to work.’ The first installation of the “Secure Wall” was complete March of The addition of “Secure Wall” system has eliminated the break ins around the perimeter of this utility service center and has reduced loses due to theft to zero. The customer has stated ‘the “Secure Wall” system has made working conditions inside this utility station a much safer place to work.’
SOUTH LYON FENCE COMPANY All rights of this invention or design are reserved. Unauthorized use of this content without express written permission is subject to legal action and will be pursued to the fullest extent. All rights of this invention or design are reserved. Unauthorized use of this content without express written permission is subject to legal action and will be pursued to the fullest extent.