Inventors and Inventions. 11 form Цели и задачи урока: Ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме “Robots”, “Inventions”. Практиковать учащихся в устной речи Практиковать в употреблении Passive Voice.
Brainstorming 1.Name three most important inventions; most important inventions for you personally; three inventions which are most likely to be replaced or changed by future technology.
Say what all these household appliances are used for can opener paper clips pocket knife CD player motorcycle cassette tape cassette player Vacuum cleaner cigarette lighter mobile phone microwave oven ballpoint pen washing machine compact disco
Write the sentences in past Simple Passive: a. microscope, Holland, 1590 b. tape-recorder, Denmark, 1899 c. washing machine, USA, 1907 d. ballpoint pen, Hungary, 1938 e. compact disco, Great Britain & US, 1983 f. robot, Japan, 1927 g. television, Zvorykin, 1929
The First Computer The first computer was invented on January 8, 1948 in the United States of America.
The first mobile. Nathan Stabfield is known to be the inventor of the mobile telephone. Officially the modern mobile telephone appeared in 1983. Motorolla Company was first to produce it.
Ballpoint pen The ballpoint pen was invented by Laslo and Georg Biro in the early 40s.
The first camera Joseph Nicefor Nyeps invented camera in 1816.
Microwave oven Persy Spenser invented the microwave oven in 1846.The first microwave ovens were made by Rastheon Company.
Tape - recorder The tape –recorder was invented by Waldemar Paulsen in 1896.
Washing machine In 1851 James King invented washing machine.
Computer mouse It was invented by Douglas Engelbarth in 1968.
Microchip Jack Kilby was first to make the microchip in 1958 in the USA.
RADAR Rudolf Kunhold and Robert Watson -Watt invented radar in 1933-1935.
Electric guitar Adolfus Rickenbucket made the electric guitar in1932.
Mixer Turner Williams invented mixer in 1870
Electric kettle “Carpenter Electric Company” made the kettle. 1891
The Development of Television I know I want to know TV can be black & white and color. Whom was it invented by?
True or false: 1.Tape recorder was necessary to develop television. 2.It was a British who invented TV. 3. TV was invented by V.Zvorykin. 4.Regular TV broadcasts began in Germany. 5.Regular TV broadcasts began in 1935. 6.Color TV began in Japan in 1954. 7.Radio was necessary to develop TV.
Can you agree with the ideas? 1.Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we should have people standing in the corners of our rooms. Alan Coren. 2. I hate television, I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can’t stop eating peanuts. Orson Welles.
Do you agree or disagree? 1.Computers are replacing books. 2.Cars cause only problems like pollution, accidents, etc. 3.Internet can replace seeing one’s friends. 4.Mobile phones are a necessity rather than a luxury. 5.Technology will ruin the society because we depend on electronic gadgets and machines.
Fill in the columns Extremely useful inventions Really useless inventions
The end of the lesson. What was the most unusual for you? What would you like to invent? Hometask: ex.20 p.43 Project work