Subhash Kuvelker Senior Program Officer Policy and Global Affairs Division National Research Council May 21, 2012
Study Title and Public Information Title: Evaluation of the National Science Foundation's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Similar Programs in Other Federal Agencies Study Author: Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy, Policy and Global affairs Division National Research Council Public information about the study: Status of current projects available on the Academies’ website Shortened URL:
Legislative Mandate & Scope of Work This study was mandated by the America Competes Act Reauthorization of The legislation mandates a National Academy of Sciences study to address the following topics:
A delineation of the policies of each Federal agency with respect to the awarding of grants to EPSCoR States; The effectiveness of each program towards achieving respective goals; Recommendations for improvements for each agency to achieve EPSCoR goals; An assessment of the effectiveness of EPSCoR jurisdictions in using awards to develop science and engineering research, education, and infrastructure; and Any other issues that address the effectiveness of EPSCoR as the National Academy of Sciences considers appropriate. Legislative Mandate & Scope of Work
EPSCoR Study Committee NORINE NOONAN (Co-Chair) Vice Chancellor University of South Florida WILLIAM SPENCER (Co-Chair) Chairman Emeritus SEMATECH ROGER BEACHY President Emeritus/ Professor Department of Biology Donald Danforth Center, Washington University in St. Louis RICHARD F. CELESTE President Emeritus Colorado College ROBERT DUNCAN Vice Chancellor for Research University of Missouri IRWIN FELLER Senior Visiting Scientist American Association for the Advancement of Science ELISABETH GANTT Distinguished University Professor Emerita Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland C. JUDSON KING Director; Professor emeritus, Department of Chemical Engineering Center for Studies in Higher Education; University of California, Berkeley JOHN LINEHAN Professor of Biomedical Engineering Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University PERCY A. PIERRE Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Michigan State University SUBHASH SINGHAL Battelle Fellow and Director, Fuel Cells Pacific Northwest National Laboratory CHARLES STABEN Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs/ Professor of Biology University of South Dakota GEORGE R. STARK Distinguished Scientist, Department of Molecular Genetics; Emeritus Professor of Genetics Cleveland Clinic Foundation’s Lerner Research Institute; Case Western Reserve University ALBERT TEICH Research Professor of Science, Technology and International Affairs Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University
The Process Stakeholders meetings in open sessions Collection of relevant literature and report Expert speakers and/or commissioned papers Committee deliberations Conclusions Recommendations Report Review by external reviewers Briefing to the sponsors Publication of report – free access and download on the National Academy Press –
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