An Ultra-Wideband CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for 3–5-GHz UWB System IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 40, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2005 指導教授 : 林志明 教授 學生 : 黃世一
Outline Abstract Introduction Design of wideband amplifier Amplifier design and measurement results Conclusion References
Abstract An UWB CMOS LNA combines a narrowband LNA with a resistive shunt-feedback Wideband input matching and small NF degradation by Q-factor 0.18μm CMOS technology for 3.1-5GHz UWB system BW 2-4.6 GHz, NFmin 2.3dB, gain 9.8dB IP3 -7dBm, Pd 12.6mW
Introduction UWB system : 3.1–10.6 GHz low-frequency band : 3.1–5 GHz high-frequency band: 6–10.6 GHz CMOS in wideband amplifiers with two different topologies Distributed amplifiers Resistive shunt-feedback-based amplifiers
Recently, a bandpass LC filter at the input of the cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) for wideband input matching A new low power, low noise, and wideband amplifier in 3.1-5 GHz UWB system
Design of wideband amplifier narrowband LNA Input match
RLC series resonant circuit ωT : cutoff frequency ω0 : resonant frequency
Shunt packing inductor UWB LNA topology Shunt packing inductor Shunt-feedback Cf , C1, C2 : ac coupling
Amplifier design and measurement results
References Chang-Wan Kim; Min-Suk Kang; Phan Tuan Anh; Hoon-Tae Kim; Sang-Gug Lee;Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of Volume 40, Issue 2, Feb. 2005 Page(s):544 - 547 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2004.840951
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