Theme Numeracy, Scientific Reasoning and Inquiry.


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Presentation transcript:

Theme Numeracy, Scientific Reasoning and Inquiry

Team Members Mark Aulls Sylvia Apollonia Heena Dedic Leslie Dickie Calvin Kalman Nathaniel Lasry Steven Rosenfield Bruce Shore

Current Doctoral Students Camelia Berlian Oslim Erten Charles Hou Yuan-jin Hong Krista Redden Cassiday Sayer Rebecca Simon

Numeracy and Scientific Reasoning Research Studies Objects: To understand how different learning environments interact with student and teacher characteristics Study 1: Student perceptions’ of the mathematics and science classroom learning environments in high school Study 2: Student perceptions’ of the learning environments experienced in the mathematics and science classrooms of their first term in CÉGEP Study 3: The relationship between the learning environment science and mathematics faculty wish to establish in their classrooms, and their epistemological beliefs regarding teaching/learning of science Study 4: The relationships between contexts, effective teaching strategies, obstacles and approaches to science and mathematics instruction in CÉGEP

Grant Support Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) - Soutien aux équipes de recherche Study of factors in fluencing success and retention in science programmes at English language CEGEPs ( )

Products: Recent & Future Conference Papers Aulls, M. W., Dickie, L., Hou, D.D., & Hong, Y-J. (2007). The Relationships between Contexts, Effective Teaching Strategies, Obstacles and Approaches to Instruction in Colleges. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Ill. Dedic, H., Rosenfield, S., Dickie, L., & Rosenfield, E. (2006, April). Persistence and perceptions of the learning environment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Dedic, H., Dickie, L., Rosenfield, E., & Rosenfield, S. (2006, April). Postsecondary science instructors: Motivation and perception of the learning environment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Dickie, L., Dedic, H., Rosenfield, S., Rosenfield, E., & Simon, R. (2006, July). Success and persistent in science: The influence of classroom climate. Paper presented at the 31st International Meeting of Improving University Teaching, Dunedin, New Zealand. Rosenfield, S., Dedic, H., Simon, R., Aulls, M.W., Koestner, R. F., Dickie, L., Krishtalka, A., Milkman,K., & Rosenfield, E. (2006, February). Etudes des facteurs aptes a influencer la reussite et la perseverance dans les programmes de sciences dans les cegeps Anglophones. Paper presented at Le Consortium d’animation sur la perseverance et la reussite en enseignement superieur (CAPRES), Montreal, QC

Products: Journal Articles Kalman, C., Aulls, M. W., Rohar, S., & Godley, J. (in press). Students’ perceptions of reflective writing as a tool for exploring introductory textbooks. Canadian Journal of Physics. Redden, K., Simon, R., & Aulls, M. W. (in press). Alignment in teacher education: Identifying contextually dependent student presage factors and associated learning outcomes. Teacher Educational Quarterly. Lasry, N. & Aulls, M.W. (2006). The Effect of Multiple Internal Representations on Context Rich Instruction. American Journal of Physics. Kalman, C. S., & Aulls, M. W. (2003). Can an analysis of the contrast between pre-Galilean and Newtonian theoretical frameworks help students develop a scientific mindset? Science & Education, 12,

Inquiry-oriented Learning Research Objectives: To understand inquiry as an educational event Study 1: Predicting persistence in CÉGEP math and science program: A comparison between genders on the basis of affect, self-efficacy and motivation, perceptions of learning environment and goal-orientation Study 2: The identification of inquiry learning and teaching outcomes in the academic-cognitive, social, and affective domains Study 3: To determine the roles of teachers’ pedagogical vs. subject- matter expertise and epistemological beliefs about teaching and learning in the actual evaluation of inquiry outcomes Study 4: To determine the influence of learning environment factors on pre-service teachers’ understanding of inquiry and inquiry-oriented education Study 5: To identify the effects of students’ beliefs and course context on students learning outcomes in educational psychology courses Study 6: Constructive alignment in teacher education: Identifying contextually dependent student presage factors and associated with learning outcomes

Grant Support Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) The interactions of inquiry instruction and learning: Context and process ( )

Products: Recent & Future Conference Papers Aulls, M. W., Hoover, M. Hou, D.D., Hong, Y-J., Redden, K., & Simon, R. (2007). The Effects of Students’ Beliefs and Course Context on Students Learning. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Ill. Hou, D. D. & Aulls, M. W. (2007). Students' Perceptions about English Language Teaching in China. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on ELT in China & the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Beijing, China. Aulls, M. W., Hou, D., Hong, Y.-J., & Redden, K. C. (2005, April). Pre-service teacher beliefs about effective and ineffective instruction. Paper presented at the International Conference of Teacher Researchers, Montreal, QC. Aulls, M. W., & Redden, K. C. (2005, April). Qualitative approaches to the study of self regulated learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, QC.

Products: Journal Articles Redden, K. C., Simon, R., & Aulls, M. W. (in press) Alignment in teacher education: Identifying contextually dependent student presage factors and associated learning outcomes. Teacher Education Quarterly. Shore, B.M., & Irving, J.A. (2005). Inquiry as a pedagogical link between expertise and giftedness: The high ability and inquiry research group at McGill University. Gifted and Talented International, 20, Tabatabai, D., & Shore, B.M. (2005). How experts and novices search the Web. Library and Information Science Research, 27,

Products: Books Aulls, M. W., & Shore, B. M. (2007). Inquiry in education: The conceptual foundations for research as a curricular imperative. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. B. M. Shore, M. W. Aulls, & M. A. B. Delcourt (Eds.)(2007). Inquiry in education: Where ideas come from and where they lead. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Clark, C., & Shore, B. M. (2004). Educating students with high ability. Paris: UNESCO.

Future Directions for 2007 Numeracy and Scientific Reasoning Research Studies - To merge with the Post-Secondary Education Theme group to study the practical applications of our past research to the design of graduate education courses for CEGEP mathematics and science educators - To refine the design of curriculum to better support the transition from high school to CEGEP in science and mathematics learning Inquiry Research Studies - To further develop the Aulls-Shore Model of Inquiry as content, context, process and strategies - To apply the Aulls-Shore Model to the evaluation of inquiry teaching and learning through action research in Quebec school boards

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