Italian Culture The culture of Italy is the set of cultural events produced in Italy. Italy is known for its art, its culture and its numerous monuments,


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Presentation transcript:

Italian Culture The culture of Italy is the set of cultural events produced in Italy. Italy is known for its art, its culture and its numerous monuments, including the Tower of Pisa and the Roman Colosseum, as well as for its food (famous Italian dishes are pizza and pasta), wine, lifestyle, his painting, design, film, theater, literature and music, especially opera. This has created considerable worldwide italofilia

the language Italian is a Romance language. There are a large number of regional languages ​​(the north belong to a different branch of the tree of the Romance languages​​) and Italian dialects (spoken in the central regions). The modern Italian is, like all national language, a dialect that has managed to impose itself as the language of a region much larger than its dialectal region. In this case it is the Tuscan dialect of Florence, Pisa and Siena, which has been imposed for political reasons not as usual, but because he was carrying cultural prestige as the language in which he wrote the Divine Comedy, which considered the first literary work written in the "modern lingua". The Tuscan is indeed the language in which he wrote Dante Alighieri, Petrarch yBoccaccio, considered the three great writers of Italian PreRenaissance. Italian is spoken mainly in Italy, where it is the national language, but also in two districts of southern Switzerland where it is also recognized as an official language. Moreover, there italófonas communities in England, Belgium, the former Yugoslavia, France (Corsica and Nice), Monaco, Malta, Argentina (1.5 million), Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, United States (1 million speakers in large cities), Canada, Australia, and the former Italian colonies in Africa: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia and Libya.

Gastronomy of Italy The food in Italy is extremely varied. The country was unified in 1861 and its cuisine reflects the cultural variety of its regions and its diverse history. Italian food, especially the mainland and island regions (center and south), is included within the so-called Mediterranean cuisine and is imitated and practiced worldwide. It is very common to meet the cuisine of Italy's most famous dishes, such as pizza, pasta and coffee, but the truth is that it is a kitchen where coexist abundant smells and flavors of the Mediterranean. This is a traditional cuisine with strong character, very sectioned by regions and heiress of long traditions, which has managed to perpetuate old recipes like pizza, Neapolitan dish par excellence, or polenta, which today can be enjoyed at any trattoria North.

Typical dishes from Italy the pizzaFocaccia with Rosemary

Meaning of the Flag of Italy It is said that the famous poet Francesco Dall'Ongaro nineteenth century noted that the colors of the Italian flag visually describe the Italian territory. Green symbolizes the plains of Lombardy and the hope of a free and united Italy, the white snow of the Alps and the red color represents volcanoes in the country and the blood of the dead who defended their nation. As for a religious interpretation of the color green represents hope, white faith and red charity.

Flag of Italy

location of italy

money and population of Italy currency Currency: The euro = 100 cents. There are 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros. There are coins of 1 and 2 euros and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents. population: currency

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