Douglas Paddon-Jones, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Physical Therapy and Internal Medicine The University of Texas Medical Branch Protein Intake and the Preservation of Muscle Mass in Aging Iowa Dietetic Association 2009
Overview muscle protein metabolism – the science translating science clinical practice protein needs - healthy aging - physical inactivity - exercise
Inactivity Malnutrition Balance Synthesis Breakdown Muscle growth Muscle loss Nutrition Exercise Hormones Maintaining Muscle Mass Illness/Injury
Age and body composition
FrailtyFrailty lean body mass fat mass insulin resistance visceral fat Decreased muscle mass muscle massDecreased type 2 diabetes strength power risk of falls risk of fractures walking speed
Dietary strategies to maintain muscle Free-form amino acid supplements: stimulate muscle anabolism they are effective in all age groups they can be used clinically
Breakfast LunchDinner How much protein are we getting ?
Muscle Protein Synthesis / Muscle Growth - protein ingestion - Symons et. al. AJCN, Fasting Protein Synthesis (%/h) Young Elderly 30 g protein ?
Protein Ingestion and Muscle Growth - a message of moderation Fasting 30 g protein Protein Synthesis (%/h) Protein Synthesis (%/h) Fasting 90 g protein Young Old ~1.2 g/kg/day for 180 lb individual
Daily protein distribution - typical ? - Total Protein 90 g Catabolism Anabolism 10 g maximum rate of protein synthesis 15 g 65 g A skewed daily protein distribution fails to maximize potential for muscle growth
Daily protein distribution - Optimal - Catabolism Anabolism maximum rate of protein synthesis 30 g Total Protein 90 g Repeated maximal stimulation of protein synthesis increase / maintenance of muscle mass
FastingProtein meal Protein Synthesis (%/h) Young Elderly Protein + Exercise ??
Bed rest is a defacto treatment modality - if you’re hospitalized you will become inactive - Inactive (0 steps/min) Low Activity (< 15 steps/min) % of Time
Muscle Loss in Bedridden Elders - 10 Days of Inactivity/Bed rest Loss of lean leg mass (g) Young 28 Days Bedrest 2% total lean leg mass Elderly 10 Days Bedrest Paddon-Jones et. al Kortebein et al ?
Muscle Loss in Hospitalized Elders Loss of lean leg mass (g) Young 28 Days Inactivity 2% total lean leg mass Healthy Elders 10 Days Inactivity Elderly Inpatients ~ 3 days ??
Inactivity reduces the ability to build/repair proteins and muscle Day 1Day 10 Protein Synthesis (%/h) * Kortebein et al h muscle protein synthesis during 10 day of inactivity in elders (stable isotope methodology )
What are our older inpatients eating ? per meal
Can we reduce muscle loss associated with injury/inactivity using dietary protein ?
Paddon-Jones et al, 2004 Muscle Mass Change in leg muscle mass (kg) Bedrest Bedrest +Amino acids Paddon-Jones et. al ?
Strength Loss of 1RM Leg Extension strength (kg) Bedrest Paddon-Jones et. al ? Bedrest +Amino acids
Can protein also help elders? - 24 h muscle protein synthesis Day 1 Day 10 Protein Synthesis (%/h) * Normal Diet Normal Diet + Amino Acids # Normal Diet + Amino Acids
Regular meals + Leucine Post-absorptive Post-prandial Day 1 (pre) Day 14 (2 weeks LEU) Protein synthesis: % / hr ?
Hot topic: Leucine plays a key role Distribution of protein throughout the day plays a key role Moderation and common sense are still the key themes Muscle growth is a slow process, but atrophy can be exceedingly fast The RDA for protein is not sufficient in many circumstances Summary ~ 30 g of protein maximally stimulates muscle protein synthesis