Grace Fellowship Church Pastor / Teacher James H. Rickard Thursday, March 20, 2008
Memory Verse 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The Upper Room Discourse John 13-16; John 13:16, Servant-hood, Pt. 7
Doctrine of DOULOS Slave, Servant Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews John 19:19
It’s interesting that those who seek for a sign, John 2:18 and 1 Cor 1:22, were given one in plain sight yet still rejected it.
JESUS YeHOSHUA [The Lord is salvation]
NAZARENE NAZIR [Nazarite - One separated or consecrated, an undressed vine]
JEWS YeHUDI or YeHUDAH [Judah = he shall be praised]
The other gospels only use portions of the inscription, why?
a) “This is” is added and the title “Nazarene” is omitted.
b) Written to Jews emphasizing His Kingship.
c) “This is” can also mean "a matter of fact". It identifies who is on the cross as a statement of dogmatic fact of reality.
d) Why omit "the Nazarene", because the spiritual heritage of Israel with its ritual worship that had meaning was already telling them of the sacrifice required for their salvation.
e) The message to the Jews, "This is absolutely the Lord of salvation your King who shall be praised".
2. Mark 15:26, “THE KING OF THE JEWS”.
a) The phrase "This is Jesus the Nazarene" is omitted.
b) Written to the Romans proclaiming the servanthood of our Lord.
c) The impression on them: a King would pay such a price on behalf of His people.
It was a far cry from the attitude of the Caesars who where to be treated as gods, to be served by the people, verses serving the people.
d) The message to the Romans, “the servant-King who shall be praised”.
3. Luke 23:38, “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”
a) The phrase "Jesus the Nazarene" is omitted.
b) Written to pagan unbelieving gentiles to reveal the Son of Man.
c) His gospel shows that God became a Man in the person of Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
d) To pagans, god's were separate from man and no god had ever become a man to suffer and die for the people.
If a god became a man it was typically due to a curse upon that deity by other deities. It represented a flaw in that god.
e) To Pagans the message is, "This is absolutely the man-King who shall be praised".
4. John 19:19, “JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS”, excluding "this is".
a) Written to Christians emphasizing Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
b) The point made, is what God has done for the believer; provided salvation in the person of His Son Jesus Christ.
c) Jesus was the undressed vine, separated from God, taking on the sins of the entire world and paying the penalty thereof.
d) He is the exalted King who will return to establish His eternal reign at the Millennium and be praised. Isa 45:23; Rom 14:11; Phil 2:10.
e) The message to Christians "The Lord is Salvation, the One separated for our sins, the King, He shall be praised.”
The entire inscription reads, “This is The Lord of Salvation, the One separated for our sins, the King, He shall be praised.”
Paul understood this entire picture and summarized it in Phil 2:5-11.
Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, March 23, 2008 Tape # Servanthood, Part 7 Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews Upper Room Discourse, Pt 163 John 13:16; 19:1-22; Phil 2:5-11 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2008