Study and Research in Germany /15
Why study in Germany? 1.8 millions study abroad – foreign students in Germany Wide choice of degree programmes Excellence in research and training Close links between theory and practice, age-old traditions and modern technologies 300 universities in Germany German universities are open to anyone who fulfills the requirements tuition fees are moderate
Organisations with scholarship programmes Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Robert Bosch Stiftung Deutsche Wirtschaft Internationales Parlamentsstipendium Copernicus-Stipendium Studienfonds OWL Alfred Töpfer Stiftung
Who can I contact? Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Sarajevo Frau Jasna Letić Skenderija Sarajevo Tel
Who can I contact? Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Heike Link DAAD Lektorin Univerzitet u Sarajevu Filozofski Fakultet, Odsjek za Germanistiku, R. 245 Franje Račkog Sarajevo Tel Fax
Who can I contact? Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Frank Riedel DAAD-Lektor Universität Banja Luka Filozofski Fakultet Bana Lazarevica Banja Luka
Who can I contact? Organisations that offer scholarship programmes directly Akademisches Auslandsamt / International Office at each university
The DAAD at a glance self-governing organisation of the German universities more than 490 lektorships in 94 countries worldwide nearly scholarship-holders yearly
Scholarships and Instruments for International Cooperation in Science and Research Intensive Language Courses (2 months) Summer schools (1 month: language and subject) DAAD-Study scholarships (1 or 2 years MA at every public university) DAAD/OSF scholarships (1 or 2 years MA/ PhD at selected universities) Doctoral Projects Research Grants/ Projects Study trips to Germany Cooperation within the program “Akademischer Wiederaufbau Südosteuropa”
Study Scholarships for Students of All Disciplines Full scholarship for MA studies (1 – 2 years) 750€ per month Health insurance Travel allowance Network of scholarship holders worldwide
Research Scholarship (PhD) 1 month – 3 years Full scholarship for a research stay or a 3 years PhD program 1000€ per month Health insurance Travel allowance Network of scholarship holders worldwide
Practical training 3 months practical training in Germany (Stuttgart) Cooperation between DAAD-Alumni-Organisation and German Institution Application and information:
Fields of study The DAAD/OSF scholarship program supports humanities and social sciences disciplines. political sciences sociology international relations law economics public administration education management public health philosophy
How much? The scholarship installments are: for students in Master courses: euros per month, for doctoral students: euros per month. Also will be refunded travel costs for all scholarships holders and, where necessary and planned, the costs for language courses in Germany before scholarship. The program does not provide for the payment of family allowances or supplements for spouses or children.
What else to know? A special orientation seminar is arranged for all participants at the beginning of their study in Germany. Additionally, all participants in this program attend once a year an annual conference jointly organized by the DAAD and the OSF as part of their training in Germany. DAAD/OSF Mid-Year conference University Halle- Wittenberg June 2012
What else to know? A mentor is provided to groups of more than 3 DAAD/OSF Master scholarship holders at the same German University. © Hofmann/DAAD
Master Programs (max. 2 years) 24 Master Programs in 20 German cities
Application: Deadline – DAAD: 15 th of November 2013 OSF: 31 st of October 2013 CV letter of motivation / description of research proposal contact with German host institute / description of study program one or two letters of recommendation university certificate language certificate (German or English) application forms under:
DAAD scholarships for 2014/2015 We are looking forward to receiving your application! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!