Hadhramout Petroleum Training Center HPTC is the first petroleum and chemical industries training center in Yemen/Hadhramout governorate provides oil and gas training and professional development services
About HPTC HPTC ( Hadhramout Petroleum Training Center): is specialized in petroleum and chemical industries provides oil and gas training and professional development services for graduated, under graduated students, and employees who needs to improve their both professional and technical skills. Objective: Is to be an effective and reliable training center in the national and regional oil and gas industry. It is our approach to be most admired for our training programs and performance.
Visions: Bring the HPTC up with excellent safety, technical, environment training programs worldwide which are specialized to induce learning, employee development and the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and performance excellence.
Missions: Provide in house training, development and consultancy for individual Oil and Gas companies in Yemen to improve the highest valuable sources in Oil and Gas industries which are “employees”. Cooperate with Oil and Gas companies to arrange field visits for and graduated and under graduated students to help them how to blend their theoretical knowledge with practical. Help our clients in Yemen to find out expert job seekers and the best fresh graduates to be interviewed and hired.
HPTC Accreditation
Memorandum Of Understanding Hadhramout Petroleum Training Center &Petroluem & Minerals Training Center
Service 1. Training Service 2. Conferences and Events 3. Consulting Service
Training Public Programs In house programs
Training Courses Drilling Engineering Production Engineering Information Technical Health & Safety Management, Business & Administration
Our Clients
Contact us Hadhramout Petroleum Training Center Yemen Mukalla city, Wahlan building, second floor Tel: Mobile: