Findings from 2014 Staff Satisfaction Survey April 8, 2014
Agenda Research Overview Key Survey Findings Conclusions
Research Overview Minor updates from 2013 questions Invited all staff and faculty to participate 82 out of 119 responded (about 70%) Margin of error is ±6% at a 95% confidence level
Respondent Profile Cross-tabulations by each characteristic is provided in the report’s appendix. Length of time with NAS Work Area 1 year or less32%Nonprofit office14% 2-3 years30%Teaching staff50% 4-5 years16%Non-teaching staff31% 6 or more years22%School management5% School Shift Aurora34%Days64% Thornton23%Nights9% Lakewood21%Both27% Non-profit office13%Returning in 2013/2014 New America College9%Yes79% No5% Unsure16%
Interpretation of Results Agreement QuestionsRating QuestionsPos/Neg QuestionsValue Strongly agreeVery goodVery positive+5.0 Somewhat agreeGoodSomewhat positive+2.5 Don't know/Not applicableFairDon't know0.0 Somewhat disagreePoorSomewhat negative-2.5 Strongly disagreeVery poorVery negative-5.0
General Ratings All responses In general, how would you describe staff morale at NAS?2.0 Overall, how would you rate your specific school?2.8 Overall, how would you rate your job?2.9 How would you rate the school's overall reputation with the community?1.8 Overall, how would you rate NAS as an organization?2.2 Working at New America School is good for most faculty and staff All responses In general, how would you describe staff morale at NAS?2.0 Overall, how would you rate your specific school?2.8 Overall, how would you rate your job?2.9 How would you rate the school's overall reputation with the community?1.8 Overall, how would you rate NAS as an organization?2.2
Change Since 2013 All responses In general, how would you describe staff morale at NAS?0.5 Overall, how would you rate your specific school?0.7 Overall, how would you rate your job?-0.2 How would you rate the school's overall reputation with the community?0.7 Overall, how would you rate NAS as an organization?0.1 Most ratings of the organization increased slightly, but ratings of job decreased
General Ratings by Location OverallAuroraThorntonLakewood Non- profit Office New America College In general, how would you describe staff morale at NAS? Overall, how would you rate your specific school? Overall, how would you rate your job? How would you rate the school's overall reputation with the community? Overall, how would you rate NAS as an organization? Highest overall ratings at New America College Lowest overall ratings at Thornton
Change Since 2013 OverallAuroraThorntonLakewood In general, how would you describe staff morale at NAS? Overall, how would you rate your specific school? Overall, how would you rate your job? How would you rate the school's overall reputation with the community? Overall, how would you rate NAS as an organization? Ratings improved at Aurora and Lakewood Ratings decreased at Thornton
Averages by Operations Area 2014 Results
Change Since 2013
Mission -5 = "strongly disagree" +5 = "strongly agree"
Evaluating Change in Mission Mission has changed, and the change is good
Board of Directors Ranked lowest, but positive and improving
Executive Leadership
Key Findings Working at NAS is good for most High ratings of Job and School Working at NAS is getting better for most Greatest improvements in School and Reputation Ratings increased at Aurora and Lakewood but dropped at Thornton HR and Facilities rank highest Faculty and staff feel safe
Key Findings Biggest improvements in… Curriculum Facilities Learning & Discipline Mission & Policies Board of Directors ranked lowest but still positive and improving The mission has changed, and the change is good
2014 Results
Change Since 2013