Chapter 2 The Control Process Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Canadian Edition
The Control Process Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition This chapter addresses control and the control process in general terms. Use the photo to start a discussion on the importance of control to meet obstacle. Let’s paddle together.
Learning Objectives 2.1 Define control; examples and significance 2.2 List the four steps in the control 2.3 Cite eight control techniques 2.4 Describe the steps and prepare a budget 2.5 Explain significance of the cost–benefit ratio in control decisions 2.6 Identify what to consider when deciding to make a product in-house or outsource Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Important Control Definitions Control: Power over events to achieve or prevent an outcome Cost Control: Process to regulate costs and guard against excessive costs Standards: Rules or measures established for making comparisons and judgments Standard cost: Cost of goods and services identified, approved and accepted by management Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Important Control Definitions Standard procedures: Established as the correct methods, routines and techniques for day-to-day operations Budget: Realistic expression of management’s goals and objectives expressed in financial terms Control system: Collection of interrelated and interdependent control techniques and procedures Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Steps in the Control Process Establish standards and standard procedures for operation. Train all individuals to follow established standards and standard procedures. Monitor performance and compare actual performances with established standards. Take appropriate action to correct deviations from standards. Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Control Techniques Establishing standards Establishing procedures Training Setting examples and directing Observing and correcting employee actions Requiring records and reports Disciplining employees Preparing and following budgets Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
The Budget The operating budget will detail the operational direction and your expected financial results. The operating budget may be broken down into shorter periods, to compare to actuals; Identify concerns Take remedial action Consider a flexible budget Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Budgeted Revenue - Budgeted Expense = Budgeted Profit The Budget Just as the income statement tells you about your past performance, the budget is developed to help you achieve your future goals. Budgeted Revenue - Budgeted Expense = Budgeted Profit Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
The Budget To prepare the budget and stay within it, assures you meet predetermined profit levels. The effective foodservice operator builds a flexible budget, monitors it closely, modifies it when necessary, and achieves the desired results. Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Developing the Budget To establish any type of budget, have the following information available: Prior period operating results Examine the external environment to assess any conditions that could affect sales volume in future Review any planned changes in the operation that would affect sales volume Determine the nature and extent of changes in cost levels Have the projections for sales, costs and profits approved by management Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Monitoring the Budget In general, the budget should be monitored in each of the following three areas: Sales Expense Profit Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Monitoring the Budget As business conditions change, changes in the budget are to be expected. This is because budgets are based on a specific set of assumptions, and as these assumptions change, so too does the budget that follows from the assumptions. Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Monitoring the Budget Budgeted profit must be realized if the operation is to provide adequate returns for owner and investor. The primary goal of management is to generate the profits necessary for the successful continuation of the business. Budgeting for these profits is a fundamental step in the process. Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Cost/Benefit Ratio The cost/benefit ratio is the relationship between the costs incurred in instituting and maintaining a control system, and the benefits or savings derived by doing so. Benefits must always exceed costs. Before instituting any new procedures for control, management should first determine that the anticipated savings will be greater than the cost of the new procedures. Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
In-House or Outsource Consider quality standards Reliability and service of distributor Compare true cost of house-preparation Raw ingredients Labour Skilled staff Utility and energy Customer satisfaction Staff morale Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Key Terms Budget, p. 51 Procedures, p. 47 Control, p. 40 Quality standards, p. 46 Control process, p. 42 Quantity standards, p. 46 Control system, p. 57 Sales control, p. 43 Cost control, p. 41 Standard cost, p. 47 Cost–benefit ratio, p. 60 Standard procedures, p. 47 Flexible budget, p. 57 Standards, p. 46 Make in-house versus outsource determination, p. 62 Static budget, p. 53 Training, p. 48 Operating budget, p. 52 Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
Chapter Web Links Food Cost Control: Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labour Cost Controls, Second Canadian Edition
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