2 Process Overview The Integrated Service Request System (ISRS) Discrepancy Break/Fix Service Requests (SRs) are evaluated for customer satisfaction. A query is run in ISRS identifying all Discrepancy Break/Fix SRs in a “Pending Closure” status. The results are converted into a report which is exported into an Excel spreadsheet and loaded into a standard letter/ . One attempt is made to contact the users for a response. The ed responses are copied and pasted into the diary of the applicable SRs. If there are no responses, the SRs are closed within 3 to 5 business days.
3 Background Process Customer Satisfaction tasks are initiated when an SR goes to “Pending Closure” status. An SR moves to Pending Closure status when all tasks are completed in Rally. The SR will not move to final “Closed” status until the Customer Satisfaction rating is marked complete and a mandatory* entry is made in the “Resolution” field of the SR. *Note: When technicians leave the Resolution field blank, it is completed by entering “Issue Resolved” or copying the Line of Business and pasting it into the field. The Customer Satisfaction rating is noted on the NEACC tab within ISRS.
4 Background Process (cont.) Customer Satisfaction radio buttons denote 1 through 5 with 1=Not Satisfied through 5=Very Satisfied. There is also a “No Response” button available for selection. If the submitter’s center is NEACC, the request is closed manually and marked with a “5” rating. If the submitter is “Help Desk, Alarms”, the request is closed manually and marked with a rating of “5”.
5 Customer Satisfaction Follow-up Procedure If the customer responds with a rating of 1= Poor or 2 = Fair, the Customer Satisfaction coordinator will forward the response to the Line of Business (LOB) Manager*. LOB Managers are responsible for contacting the assigned technician who completed the SR. The technician will then contact the customer. Note: The contractor should provide an updated LOB Manager listing when organizational changes occur. If a customer responds with a rating of “5 = Excellent” and includes comments of high praise mentioning the technician’s name, then the response is forwarded to the technician and the technician’s manager.
6 Reporting (Yearly/As Requested by NEACC Director) As of DateOverall Rating (1 – 5) No. Surveyed ? ResponsesResponse Rate Oct 1, August 6, % Oct 1, August 16, % All data provided by EAST