Challenges of Higher Education in Cyprus Efstathios Michael Senior Education Officer Department of Higher and Tertiary Education Ministry of education and Culture 1434 Nicosia Cyprus Tel: Fax: Web:
Outline The European Policy Papers The European Policy Papers – Mobilising the Brainpower of Europe: Enabling Universities to make full contribution to Lisbon Strategy – Modernising Universities of Europe The Education System of Cyprus The Education System of Cyprus The Higher Education Sector The Higher Education Sector Challenges Challenges Areas of collaboration of the small States Areas of collaboration of the small States
The European Policy Papers Mobilising the Brainpower of Europe: Enabling Universities to make full contribution to Lisbon Strategy Mobilising the Brainpower of Europe: Enabling Universities to make full contribution to Lisbon Strategy – Improving access to Higher Education – Improving Quality of Higher Education – Increasing total investment in Higher Education
Modernising Universities of Europe Bringing together the university role in education, research and innovation Bringing together the university role in education, research and innovation Increasing LLL Increasing LLL Mobility of Students, academics, researchers and other university staff Mobility of Students, academics, researchers and other university staff Sufficient autonomy, better governance and accountability Sufficient autonomy, better governance and accountability Quality Assurance for quality education Quality Assurance for quality education Role of Universities in transferring knowledge to the economy and society Role of Universities in transferring knowledge to the economy and society Promote excellence by developing institutions and networks able to compete internationally Promote excellence by developing institutions and networks able to compete internationally Promote internationalisation of HE (Quality Assurance, Joint degrees, recognition of qualifications etc) Promote internationalisation of HE (Quality Assurance, Joint degrees, recognition of qualifications etc) Develop partnerships with private sector, research institutions and other regional and local authorities Develop partnerships with private sector, research institutions and other regional and local authorities Enhancement of the attractiveness of the European HE. Enhancement of the attractiveness of the European HE.
Higher and Tertiary Education in Cyprus HE in Cyprus is offered by public and private institutions HE in Cyprus is offered by public and private institutions Aim of Cyprus is to become a regional educational and research centre Aim of Cyprus is to become a regional educational and research centre Strong background for a significant growth of the higher education sector Strong background for a significant growth of the higher education sector
Historical development Technical and financial assistance from ILO, UNDP and UNESCO to establish Public HE schools Technical and financial assistance from ILO, UNDP and UNESCO to establish Public HE schools The Private Schools of Higher Education Started to develop during the 1980’s and the 1990’s The Private Schools of Higher Education Started to develop during the 1980’s and the 1990’s The University of Cyprus started operation in 1992 The University of Cyprus started operation in 1992 The period 2006/2007 presents dramatic developments with the establishment of two new public universities and the operation of three Private Universities The period 2006/2007 presents dramatic developments with the establishment of two new public universities and the operation of three Private Universities
The University of Cyprus Is an autonomous educational institution established by a Law Is an autonomous educational institution established by a Law Five faculties: Five faculties: – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences – Faculty of Economics and Management – Faculty of Engineering – Faculty of Letters – Faculty of Medicine (under preparation) Number of students ( ): (including 871 at Masters and 348 Doctoral degrees). Number of students ( ): (including 871 at Masters and 348 Doctoral degrees). The programme structure: The programme structure: – 4 years for degree or Ptychio – 1,5 years for the Masters degree – Further 3 years of study and research for PhD degree Future courses in Law, Middle East Studies and Medicine Future courses in Law, Middle East Studies and Medicine
The Open University of Cyprus Operation of the University in January 2006 Operation of the University in January 2006 Faculties: Faculties: – Human and Social Sciences – Economics and Management – Pure and Applied Sciences Current programmes: Current programmes: – Degree program in Greek Civilisation – Postgraduate program in Health Services – Postgraduate program in Education – Postgraduate program in Information Systems Life long learning modules Life long learning modules
The Technological University of Cyprus The aim is to upgrade the programmes of study of the Public Schools of HE to a university level. The aim is to upgrade the programmes of study of the Public Schools of HE to a university level. Faculties: Faculties: – Technological Applications – Health Services – Economics and Management – Geotechnical Sciences – Applied Arts and Communication Among the aims is the provision of courses to graduates of the public schools to upgrade their qualifications Among the aims is the provision of courses to graduates of the public schools to upgrade their qualifications
Private Universities On 12 September 2007, the Council of Ministers announced the names of the first private universities in Cyprus introducing a new era for private tertiary education in Cyprus. These are: On 12 September 2007, the Council of Ministers announced the names of the first private universities in Cyprus introducing a new era for private tertiary education in Cyprus. These are: – Frederick University – European University - Cyprus (E.U.C.) – Panepistimio Lefkosias (University of Nicosia) The private universities offer 4-year undergraduate courses that lead to the award of Bachelors qualifications (i.e. BA, BSc) and 1-year to 2-year postgraduate programmes of study that lead to the award of Masters qualifications (i.e. MA, MSc). The private universities offer 4-year undergraduate courses that lead to the award of Bachelors qualifications (i.e. BA, BSc) and 1-year to 2-year postgraduate programmes of study that lead to the award of Masters qualifications (i.e. MA, MSc).
Public Schools of Higher Education They operate under the jurisdiction of the respective Ministries of the Republic and provide professional courses 1- 3 years They operate under the jurisdiction of the respective Ministries of the Republic and provide professional courses 1- 3 years They are the following: They are the following: – (a) Higher Technical Institute – (b) Higher Hotel Institute – (c) School of Nursing – (d) Cyprus Forestry College – (e) Mediterranean Institute of Management – (g) Police Academy – (h) Tourist Guides School – (i) Health Inspectors School
Private Schools of Higher Education The relevant Law and the corresponding Regulations describe the requirements for their registration, operation and accreditation The relevant Law and the corresponding Regulations describe the requirements for their registration, operation and accreditation They offer a wide variety of programmes of study in professional and academic levels such as Business Studies, Engineering, Social Sciences, Languages, Education, Hotel and Tourism, Administration, Management, Graphic Design, Computer Science and others. They offer a wide variety of programmes of study in professional and academic levels such as Business Studies, Engineering, Social Sciences, Languages, Education, Hotel and Tourism, Administration, Management, Graphic Design, Computer Science and others. At present, there are twenty four private schools At present, there are twenty four private schools They offer 1 to 4 years programmes of study in various fields together with a number of courses at Masters level. They offer 1 to 4 years programmes of study in various fields together with a number of courses at Masters level.
The Cyprus Educational Evaluation and Accreditation Board (SEKAP). First programmes of study have been accredited by the Cyprus Educational Evaluation and Accreditation Board (SEKAP) in January 2000 First programmes of study have been accredited by the Cyprus Educational Evaluation and Accreditation Board (SEKAP) in January 2000 In total 157 programs of study have been accredited In total 157 programs of study have been accredited The accreditation is granted for a period of four years The accreditation is granted for a period of four years Some programmes of study are now under the process of re-accredidation Some programmes of study are now under the process of re-accredidation
Evaluation Committee of the Private Universities International participation in the Committee International participation in the Committee Committees of Experts appointed for the evaluation of the applications Committees of Experts appointed for the evaluation of the applications Institutional and programme evaluation procedures Institutional and programme evaluation procedures Follow up and final evaluation within 5 years Follow up and final evaluation within 5 years
The Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS). Is the NARIC of the country Is the NARIC of the country It gives recognition for the corresponding degrees of: It gives recognition for the corresponding degrees of: – Higher Diploma – University degree or Ptychio – Masters Degree – PhD Degree The reference diplomas are those of the public institutions The reference diplomas are those of the public institutions
Future Developments The growth of the public Universities of Cyprus and their expansion by adding new schools and departments. The growth of the public Universities of Cyprus and their expansion by adding new schools and departments. Establishment and expansion of the private universities in Cyprus Establishment and expansion of the private universities in Cyprus Development of Cyprus into a regional education and research centre linking EU to Middle East, Asia and Africa Development of Cyprus into a regional education and research centre linking EU to Middle East, Asia and Africa Increase research budget from 0,3% to 1% of GDP by 2010 Increase research budget from 0,3% to 1% of GDP by 2010 Research centers established in Cyprus which through synergies with the HE sector will contribute to improvements in education and research Research centers established in Cyprus which through synergies with the HE sector will contribute to improvements in education and research
Challenges Expand the HE capacity to satisfy the demand for university studies Expand the HE capacity to satisfy the demand for university studies Increase research activities and more importantly involve the private sector and other authorities Increase research activities and more importantly involve the private sector and other authorities Compete internationally by establishing centers of excellence Compete internationally by establishing centers of excellence Improve the attractiveness of HE by improving quality of education and quality of international students Improve the attractiveness of HE by improving quality of education and quality of international students Unify and Reform the legal system aiming at enhancing QA, autonomy and accountability Unify and Reform the legal system aiming at enhancing QA, autonomy and accountability
Areas of collaboration with the small States Accreditation of private colleges and Universities Accreditation of private colleges and Universities Attraction of International students Attraction of International students Mobility of staff, students and researchers Mobility of staff, students and researchers Linking small states to the Eastern Mediterranean countries Linking small states to the Eastern Mediterranean countries
CyprusEU Years old % Completed secondary education 80.7%77.3% Years old % Completed Higher Education in %19.6% Years old % Employment in %63.8% Years old % Employment in %64.7% Years old % Participation in Training activities in %11%
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