APA Format Paper Style and References Asa H. Gordon Library Information Literacy 2010
APA Overview APA: (American Psychological Association) the guidelines from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Used in the Social Sciences, including: – Sociology – Business – Economics – Nursing – Criminology – Social Work
Writing The Paper Do not use the first person ( I ) Double-space 1-inch margins Use only one space after punctuation
Writing The Paper Title Page – title of the paper, the author's name, and the institutional affiliation. – page header should contain: Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER Pages after the title page should have a running head that looks like this: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER – Page numbers start on title page
Title Page Format 1 Running head: A SAMPLE PAPER ACCORDING TO THE PUBLICATION MANUAL A Sample Paper According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Your Name Your Affiliation
Writing the Paper Place quotes of less than 40 words in the text with double quotation marks. For block quotations ( longer than 40 words): – Omit quotation marks – Indent each line of the paragraph 5 spaces – Maintain double spacing If quoting more than one paragraph: – indent the first line of each paragraph five additional spaces from the left margin (for a total of ten spaces). Direct quotes: – ( author last name, date, p. #-# ) – A page number always immediately follows a quotation, even when the author and date precede it. When it is not direct quote: – ( author last name, date )
Reference Page Overview Called References – As opposed to Bibliography, Works Cited, etc. Uses author-date method – References are listed alpabetically by author – Date of publication is listed after the author(s’) name(s)
Reference Page Overview Citations are double spaced Hanging indent Uses the last name and first initial of the author – Example: (Smith, J.) For multiple authors, use & (ampersand), not and – Example: Smith, J. & Brown, B.
For More Information: – LibGuide “Citing Sources”Citing Sources – Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) – Research and Documentation Online--Hacker Research and Documentation Online--Hacker