Location of World’s Coal Fields
The Process of Creating Coal We start with organic material from hundreds of millions to tens of millions ago. The organic material accumulates and then is buried under later layers of seawater.
The Process of Creating Coal The layers of organic matter and silt/mud needs to be buried underwater and then underground for millions of years.
The Process of Creating Coal This rock must then be buried underground for a combination of heat and pressure to transform the organic matter to coal. This rock must then be buried underground for a combination of heat and pressure to transform the organic matter to coal.
Location of World’s Coal Coal is more widely distributed than oil. A lot of European countries (Britain, Germany, Poland) have coal. Many countries outside of Europe have coal: Russia, China, Japan. Many countries outside of Europe have coal: Russia, China, Japan.
The Process of Creating Coal Sound familiar? Sound familiar? Process of creation of oil, natural gas and coal is basically the same.
Types of Coal
There are four types of coal, depending on how long the organic matter has been heated and crushed underground. The longer it has been “treated”, the fewer the impurities in it, and the better it burns.
Types of Coal The first type is called lignite, and is only 60% carbon. The second is called sub-bituminous. The third is called bituminous, and is about 85% carbon. The fourth is called anthracite, and is the hardest and burns the cleanest.
Types of Coal Coal in the eastern United States, from Illinois to Appalachia is bituminous, although some is anthracite. Coal in the western United States is mostly lignite or sub-bituminous.
Advantages of Using Coal
The Advantages of Coal 1) Coal is a proven technology: technology has progressed for two centuries.
The Advantages of Coal 2) There is ongoing technological improvement in all aspects of coal production: mining, transportation, and especially, burning for energy.
The Advantages of Coal 3) Since the industry has been around for a long time, burning coal is nearly always the cheapest way to obtain energy, by far.
The Advantages of Coal 4) There is an abundance of coal globally, about two centuries worth of current use.
The Advantages of Coal 5) There is an abundance of coal here in the United States. 5) There is an abundance of coal here in the United States.
Disadvantages of Using Coal
The Disadvantages of Coal 1) Coal dramatically worsens air pollution of all types.
The Disadvantages of Coal 2) Burning coal drastically worsens global warming.
The Disadvantages of Coal 3) The coal industry is very hazardous to workers in the industry.
The Disadvantages of Coal 4) Coal mining generates tremendous amounts of water pollution and land pollution.
The Disadvantages of Coal 5) The costs of pollution are not born by the industry, but are passed on to workers, people downwind and downstream, and the rest of the planet as a whole. 5) The costs of pollution are not born by the industry, but are passed on to workers, people downwind and downstream, and the rest of the planet as a whole.